Fortnite Season 7 Weapon Upgrades: All Upgrade Bench Locations

Fortnite Season 7 tweaks weapon upgrades in a way that will be unfamiliar to players who first started playing last season, but for most everyone else, it’s a system they’re used to and just haven’t seen in a while. Nonetheless, even if you remember the old days of the Fortnite Upgrade Bench, Upgrade Bench locations change with every season in which they appear. Here’s where you can find all Fortnite Upgrade Benches in Chapter 2 Season 7, plus how to use them when you get there.

Fortnite Upgrade Bench Locations

There are currently 10 Upgrade Benches located across the Season 7 map. More may be added and others moved in future updates as Epic continuously works to balance the game, but for now, here’s where you can find them all. Keep in mind that one of the Week 1 challenges also asks you to use an Upgrade Bench three times, so this guide helps complete that Epic Quest too.

Craggy Cliffs inside Sticks RestaurantSteamy Stacks in the centermost buildingDirty Docks in the area’s largest buildingCatty Corner near the trailerCamp Cod in the southeast of the islandIn the factory east of Slurpy SwampInside Durrr Burger south of Holly HedgesNear the shore at Believer BeachAt the farmland west of Corny ComplexIn a nondescript building just east of The Aftermath

How To Upgrade Weapons In Fortnite

Upgrading a weapon in hand is different than crafting your own weapon (though we have a guide for that too). You won’t need Nuts And Bolts. Instead, you’ll want to make sure you have enough Gold Bars to upgrade the rarity of your weapon. Each rarity upgrade improves the reliability of a weapon in stats like accuracy and damage, meaning you should make sure you’re equipped with the best possible weapons you can afford. Here’s what each weapon rarity means in color and how much it costs to upgrade to that rarity from the one before it.

Common (Grey) – base rarityUncommon (Green) – 200 Gold BarsRare (Blue) – 300 Gold BarsEpic (Purple) – 400 Gold BarsLegendary (Orange) – 500 Gold Bars

It’s also worth mentioning that you must upgrade each tier along the way to your desired rarity. For example, to upgrade a Common Assault Rifle to a Rare Assault Rifle, it would cost 500 Gold Bars (Common 200 + Rare 300). Suffice it to say, upgrading weapons is quite pricy this season, and we anticipate Epic will eventually change this pricing model–unless it’s the team’s intent to really drive players to scavenge for better loot in other ways, which could be the case.

How To Earn Gold Bars Fast In Fortnite

If you’re looking to earn more Gold Bars in a hurry, the best way is to complete NPC Quests, which you can accept at any payphone or from any NPC in the game. Each Quest tends to pay 80-200 Gold Bars immediately upon completing it, so you won’t need to return to turn in a mission once it’s done–thankfully, given the ever-shrinking map. Instructions can be things like visiting a particular landmark to dealing damage with a certain weapon or even just traveling a distance on foot. Really anything you can do in Fortnite is likely being offered as an NPC Quest from someone, so it’s just a matter of picking the challenges right for you.

You can also collect more Gold Bars frequently, albeit usually in smaller quantities, by smashing up sofas and beds (most drop Gold, but not all), defeating other players and taking theirs, or finding Gold Bars in chests and safes scattered all across the island. And remember, Gold Bars don’t carry over from season to season, so if you find yourself hoarding them as the weeks go on, it may be best to invest in yourself and upgrade some weapons, or buy them from new Weapon-O-Matic and Mending Machines.

We’ve got lots more to help you on your quest to master Fortnite Season 7 including a full Battle Pass breakdown, the solution to a tricky Rubber Ducks challenge, and guides on where to find two new alien-themed items: Alien Artifacts and UFOs.

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About Mark Delaney

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