Fortnite Season 7 Week 12 Challenges

The Fortnite Week 12 challenges are live, both for Legendary quests and for Epic quests–plus the Wild Weeks quests. As usual, hundreds of thousands of XP are up for grabs if you know where to look. In this guide, we’ll lay out the complete details so you can complete all challenges with ease.

Week 12 Alien Artifacts

Before we jump into the challenges, we want to make sure you know there are once again no Alien Artifacts this week. For reasons only Epic knows, there are no Artifacts you can reliably find this week, meaning you’ll want to focus on knowing how to open Cosmic Chests if you still need to unlock more cosmetics for Kymera.

Week 12 Legendary Quests

Get Slone’s orders from a payphone (1) – 15,000 XPCraft a weapon with alien nanites (1) – 45,000 XPDestroy target dummies with IO weapons (4) – 30,000 XPSearch for books on explosions (2) – 30,000 XPDeploy scanners in the alien biome (2) – 30,000 XPCollect three alien devices, then activate the countermeasure device underneath Corny Complex (4) – 30,000 XP

Week 12 Epic Quests

Deal damage to saucers piloted by opponents (300) – 30,000 XPDeliver a saucer to Rick Sanchez at Defiant Dish (1) – 30,000 XPDeal damage to opponents with alien weapons (150) – 30,000 XPDeal damage with an alien parasite attached (150) – 30,000 XPPurchase from vending machines (3) – 30,000 XPSearch ammo boxes at Dirty Docks (5) – 30,000 XPHunt wildlife (3) – 30,000 XP

Week 12 Wild Weeks Quests

Deal damage to opponents within 20 seconds of gliding in Solos, Duos, Trios, or Squads (250) – 20,000 XPDeal damage to opponents within 20 seconds of gliding in Solos, Duos, Trios, or Squads (3,500) – 30,000 XPDeal damage to opponents within 20 seconds of gliding in Solos, Duos, Trios, or Squads (15,000) – 50,000 XP

You’re on a mission for Slone once again this week and picking up her orders at any payphone will suffice. Look for payphones near gas stations, or we also like the one in the west end of Misty Meadows. To craft a weapon with nanites, refer to our nanite guide.

We have guides on the story-based one-off quests such as where to destroy target dummies and where to find books on explosions, and where to collect alien devices. To place scanners in alien biomes, drop into any area decorated in purple trees, which you can see from your map screen. Each of them will include an alien scanner prompt, so choosing any two such locations will get the job done.

Moving onto Epic Quests, the list is, as usual in Season 7, a bit more straightforward. You’ll want to start by dealing damage to saucers piloted by opponents. The best place to do this is any invaded location (written in purple font on your full-size map). It’s there where aliens are already piloting saucers, and they tend to be quickly hijacked by players, whom you can then shoot at.

To deliver a saucer to Rick Sanchez, refer to our UFO locations guide to grab a convenient saucer based on your descent, then use our NPC guide to bring it to Rick at Defiant Dish on the hill east of Weeping Woods. Alien weapons include the Kymera Ray Gun, which you can reliably find at Holly Hatchery in the hands of the patrolling alien NPCs. Take one down, then take his weapon and take out other NPCs in the area.

The same strategy can be used to deal damage with an alien parasite attached. Allow the parasites in the southeast corner of Holly Hatchery to hatch and latch onto your head, then take out the aliens once again.

The last three challenges are all pretty simple. You can buy from vending machines at any gas station. Then you can search Dirty Docks for ammo, which is randomly scattered all across the location–like all locations. Lastly, when hunting wildlife, we recommend looking to the hills west of Misty Meadows, where wolf packs tend to spawn in threes.

The Wild Weeks Quests are intentionally straightforward and are best played in Team Rumble where you can re-drop with every defeat and even re-drop when jumping from any height greater than a few feet. The final tally of 15,000 damage seems like a lot, but remember your teammates will boost your totals too, so you don’t have to do it all alone.

That’s the full slate of Week 12 challenges. Be sure to check out the new J Balvin skin too if you want more reggaeton in your cosmetic library.

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Fortnite Season 7 Week 10 Challenges

Fortnite Season 7 Week 10 challenges have arrived, including the Legendary quests and the Epic quests. This season has been a fan favorite, and this week should be one of the busiest yet, and not just because of the new Quests moving the story forward. The Legendary Quests went live on August 11 at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET, while the Epic Quests followed a day later. Here’s how to finish them all.

Week 10 Legendary Quests

Get Slone’s orders from a payphone (1) – 15,000 XPDamage an opponent in the Slurpy Swamp abduction site (1) – 45,000 XPCollect a Grab-itron (1) – 30,000 XPPlace video cameras at different landing ship locations (3) – 30,000 XPVisit an Abductor (1) – 30,000 XPVisit Slurp Factory inside the Mothership (1) – 30,000 XP

Week 10 Epic Quests

Use the Grab-itron or saucer’s abductor beam to deliver a tractor to Hayseed’s Farm (1) – 30,000 XPTravel in an Inflate-A-Bull (200) – 30,000 XPVisit Guardian Towers (3) – 30,000 XPCatch a gun while fishing (1) – 30,000 XPOutlast opponents (200) – 30,000 XPEliminations at close range (1) 30,000 XPDamage Doctor Slone (50) – 30,000 XP

This may be the easiest week of challenges of the season so far. Let’s start with the Legendary Quests. As always, head to any bus stop to get Slone’s orders from a payphone. If you need an exact location, try the payphone at the west end of Misty Meadows, or outside any gas station. Next head to the southwestern quadrant of the map to damage an opponent in the Slurpy Swamp abduction site. Any amount of damage will do. To collect a Grab-itron, your best best is to search atop Abductors or on the Mothership, but they can appear in even basic chests–or among the loot from fallen enemies, of course.

We have a separate guide helping you to place video cameras at different landing ship locations, but the TLDR of it is to look toward the hills overlooking Retail Row, Lazy Lake, and Misty Meadows. You’ll need to visit all three spots and place a camera within each locale. To visit an Abductor, simply drop on top of any Abductor in any round. They move with each match you play, but there are always multiple to choose from and you can see them on your map before boarding the Battle Bus.

The final Legendary Quest tells you to visit Slurp Factory inside the Mothership. Starting on Wednesday, the factory from Slurpy Swamp will not be on the map anymore; it’ll be on the Mothership. All you have to do is get Abducted by waiting under any Abductor for a few minutes until it abducts everyone in range of its humming, green tractor beam. Once on the Mothership, look for Slurp Factory and get close enough to it to complete this week’s Legendary Quests.

Moving onto Epic Quests, the fastest way to use the Grab-itron or saucer’s abductor beam to deliver a tractor to Hayseed’s Farm is to pilot the UFO that sits inside the big red barn at Corny Complex. Then use the tractor beam to lift any nearby tractor–there are plenty within Corny Complex–and take it across the river to nearby Hayseed’s Farm.

To travel in an Inflate-A-Bull, find one in any chest or buy one directly from Rick, then travel in it for 200 meters. There are six Guardian towers around the island, and for this week’s quests, you need to visit any three of them, so pick the three that work for you. In a UFO or other vehicle, you can complete this challenge very quickly.

To catch a gun while fishing, you need only to fish at any fishing spot. Loot is randomized, but after a few tries, you’ll probably catch a gun instead of a fish or other loot. Any gun will count, so don’t sweat it. To outlast 200 opponents, you’ll need to play at last three matches. Just stay alive by any means necessary until you’ve outlasted a cumulative 200 loopers.

To record an elimination at close range, your best bet is to use an SMG or shotgun. Eliminating just one player at “close range,” or within 10 meters, will complete this challenge. The last challenge demands you damage Doctor Slone. Thie leader of the IO has been holed up in the secret bunkers within Corny Complex and she’s a very tough boss to defeat. Luckily, you only need to deal 50 total damage, which isn’t much at all.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be almost 400,000 XP richer thanks to the Week 10 challenges. But don’t forget to complete the rest of the Superman Quests and Rift Tour Quests too.

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Fortnite Snap Quests – Where To Find All Tover Tokens And Unlock All Cosmetics Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 Map Changes Fortnite Miles Morales And Green Goblin Skins Teased On Chapter 3 Map + Show More Fortnite News Links (3) How To Use Tents In Fortnite: Campsites Explained Fortnite Victory Crowns Explained: Why Some Players' Names Are In Gold All New Weapons And Items In Fortnite Chapter 3

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