Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Challenges

Fortnite Week 9 challenges are upon us, both for Legendary and Epic level quests, meaning players now have several new quests to complete to earn hundreds of thousands of seasonal XP in a hurry. The Fortnite Week 9 Legendary Quests went live on Augut 4, while the more numerous but less story-driven Epic Quests went live the following day. Here’s your complete round-up of Week 9 challenges. You can get a huge amount of XP from these in order to get some of the best rewards this season.

Week 9 Legendary Quests

Get Slone’s orders from a payphone (1) – 15,000 XPEquip a Detector, then disable an alien billboard in one match (2) – 45,000 XPCollect resources in Holly Hatchery (100) – 30,000 XPEliminate trespassers (3) – 30,000 XPPlace a Bioscanner in an alien biome (1) – 30,000 XPPlace Spy Probes (3) – 30,000 XP

Week 9 Epic Quests

Launch toilets with a Grab-itron (2) – 30,000 XPDance on an Abductor or as a passenger on a Saucer (1) – 30,000 XPAvoid taking damage while dealing 100 damage to opponents in a single match (1) – 30,000 XPReveal an opponent with a Recon Scanner, then hit them with a Rail Gun (1) – 30,000 XPDrive an IO vehicle with off-road tires (1000) – 30,000 XPUse IO launchpads (1) – 30,000 XPCarry an alien sample from a satellite station’s dish to an entrance at Corny Complex (1) – 30,000 XP

It’s another busy week for Doctor Slone, leader of the Imagined Order. In her relentless efforts to undermine the alien invasion, this week she will recruit you to disrupt more of the extraterrestrials’ living spaces. To get orders from Slone from a payphone, go to any payphone–they can be found at any bus stop. We’ll have guides soon for story-driven quests such as equip a Detector, then disable an alien billboard in one match, place a Bioscanner in an alien biome, and place Spy Probes.

To collect resources from Holly Hatchery, simply head to the residential locale and take your pickaxe to buildings, shrubs, and anything else, until you’ve collected 100 total resources. It should be easy, but just watch out for the trespassers. Of course, then you can head right back there in your next match to eliminate trespassers–three to be exact.

Moving onto the Epic Quests, you can launch toilets with a Grab-itron rather easily once you find the new weapon, which is found on the Mothership, atop Abductors, or in standard chests. Take it to a residential area with more than one house, like Holly Hatchery or Pleasant Park, and look for the bathrooms inside homes where you can grab and launch the toilets.

To dance on an Abductor or as a passenger on top of a Saucer, the quickest way will be to just land on an Abductor right from the Battle Bus, then perform any emote. Whenever Fortnite instructions say to “dance,” the game accepts any emote as dancing. To avoid taking damage while dealing 100 damage to opponents, you should head to Team Rumble where you can respawn if you fail. All you want to do here is deal damage without taking any yourself, which is easier in Team Rumble where you can more frequently sneak up on someone in a firefight within the small Storm circle.

Reveal an opponent with a Recon Scanner, then hit them with a Rail Gun is probably something you’ve been doing all season. The Recon Scanner marks enemy players in the world for a few seconds, while the Rail Gun can be fired straight through solid objects at full power, so make sure to charge up your shot after you spot them with the Scanner.

To drive an IO vehicle with off-road tires, look for an IO vehicles–black sedan with IO insignia on the body–at any satellite station or within Corny Complex , while off-road tires are reliably found at any gas station. Throw the tires on, then drive for 1,000 meters. This is a cumulative challenge, so don’t worry if you don’t get it all in one match. Oh, and don’t forget gas. At that distance, you’ll probably need it. You can use IO launchpads at any satellite station too. You only need one and each station has one marked by its vibrant vertical light, so jump on it and this challenge will be complete.

Lastly, to carry an alien sample from a satellite station’s dish to an entrance at Corny Complex, head back to any satellite station and look for the interact object at the base of its huge satellite dish. Take that and carry it to an entrance at Corny Complex. Due to its close proximity, we recommend landing at the dish just east of Corny Complex.

Once you’ve completed all of the Week 9 challenges, don’t miss the Rift Tour Quests. Even more exciting, don’t miss the Rift Tour itself starting this Friday featuring Ariana Grande. You can see what else is new in the Fortnite 17.30 patch notes.

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About Mark Delaney

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