Fortnite Slurp Juice Unvaulted: Where To Get It And How It Works

When you drop into a match of Fortnite for a battle royale showdown, you can be almost certain that you’ll encounter some enemy squads to overcome. Of course, taking them down and scoring that sweet victory royale means that you’ll likely take some damage along the way and need to use one of the many items around the island to heal up. However, Epic has unvaulted one fan-favorite healing item–Slurp Juice–that should quickly become a hot commodity, so we’ll tell you where to find it and why you should pick it up.

Where to find Slurp Juice in Fortnite and how it works

Slurp Juice can be found on the ground or in chests and supply drops. It takes two seconds to consume and replenishes one health point per 0.5 seconds up to a total of 75. If you have full health, it will heal shields instead. Only one can be active at a time, so an additional slurp won’t have any effect until you’ve finished healing the initial 75 health or shields.

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Due to how quickly you can consume Slurp Juice, it can be immensely helpful in almost any situation. For one, it’s fantastic for helping you recover health or shields over time during safe periods, allowing for a fairly hands-off healing experience while you loot or move to new areas. But perhaps best of all, it can be used right before or during a fight so that you’ll gradually recover from any shots you take. It may not seem like much, but having that extra bit of health or shields ticking upward at all times to offset some of the damage could make or break a showdown.

For more on Fortnite, check out what you need to know about this season’s new scouting item.

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About Billy Givens

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