Fortnite Valentine's Day Themed Event Hearts Wild Kicks Off Today

The developers of Fortnite love to celebrate the passing of the seasons, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. The game’s Hearts Wild event is now live, and it has a variety of fun Valentine’s Day-themed activities for players to sink their teeth into, including the return of papercraft, some Creator Challenges, and even a new tournament. We also have all the weekly challenges rounded up, including one on how to find and deliver a love potion.

If you’re trying to get your hands on the Lovely Outfit when it releases in the Item Shop, you have a chance to get it ahead of time. Players can grab a Duos partner and fight in the Hearts Wild Cup on February 9, with the best players in each region receiving the Lovely Outfit and Heartblast Back Bling. You have to have two-factor authentication enabled to participate though, so make sure you take care of that beforehand.

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The event also brings new Creator Challenges to the game, with exclusive prizes for the teams that earn the most points. More details on that will be coming at a later date. Hearts Wild features the return of Fortnite’s papercraft, which allows players to download paper materials to build cosplay of their favorite characters. Additionally, the Welcome Hub has been festooned with flowers for the event, so check that out.

As usual, this new event brings new Quests to the game. These challenges are themed around helping Fishstick get a date for Valentine’s, and they go live on February 11. If you’re looking for help with these week’s challenges, check out our Season 5, Week 10 challenge guide. Fortnite developer Epic Games recently said that the company has no plans to go public with an IPO, though the company may do so in the future. A leak suggests that Flash might be coming to Fortnite soon, though that hasn’t been confirmed.

Rewards for Fortnite Hearts Wild Creator Challenges

First place: Breathless Blades Pickaxe, Shufflly Shapes Wrap, Reel Love Spray, Perfect Match Emoticon, & Hearts Wild Team Battles BannerSecond place: Shufflly Shapes Wrap, Reel Love Spray, Perfect Match Emoticon, & Hearts Wild Team Battles BannerThird place: Reel Love Spray, Perfect Match Emoticon, & Hearts Wild Team Battles BannerFourth place: Perfect Match Emoticon & Hearts Wild Team Battles BannerFifth place: Hearts Wild Team Battles Banner

About Steven T. Wright

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