Fortnite Week 11 Challenges

Fortnite Week 11 is here, and the Week 11 challenges are now all here as well. This week’s list sees players performing even more quests for Doctor Slone as the alien war nears its crescendo. There’s even more XP to earn than usual for the next few weeks thanks to the return of Wild Weeks. However, take note that there are no Week 11 Alien Artifacts. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the full list of challenges for Fortnite Season 7, Week 11. The Legendary Quests and Epic Quests are both live now, as they arrive on Wednesday and Thursday each week, respectively.

Week 11 Alien Artifacts

Before we jump into this week’s challenges, note that there are no Week 11 Alien Artifacts, according to the 17.40 patch notes. The patch also contains datamined content for Week 12, where there are once again no Alien Artifacts in sight. The earliest they can come back, if they do at all, is Week 13. In the meantime, if you need more Alien Artifacts, you can still get them via Cosmic Chests. Here’s how to open Cosmic Chests.

Legendary Quests

Get Slone’s orders from a payphone (1) – 45,000 XPCatch fish at fishing holes (5) – 15,000 XPCollect a vintage can of cat food at Catty Corner or Craggy Cliffs (1) – 30,000 XPCollect a vase of flowers from Lazy Lake (1) – 30,000 XPHarvest wood (250) – 30,000 XPTalk to Joey (1) – 30,000 XP

Epic Quests

Travel in a saucer (2000) – 30,000 XPUse the recon scanner to spot an infected wildlife or trespasser (1) – 30,000 XPInteract with equipment at any IO radar dish base (1) – 30,000 XPDeal damage in alien biomes (100) – 30,000 XPMark an alien parasite (1) – 30,000 XPDance with an alien parasite at Believer Beach, Lazy Lake, or Pleasant Park (1) – 30,000 XPGo for a swim with an alien parasite (1) – 30,000 XP

Wild Weeks Challenges – Week 11

Deal damage with suppressed weapons (1000) – 20,000 XPDeal damage with suppressed weapons (5000) – 30,000 XPDeal damage with suppressed weapons (20000) – 50,000 XP

It’s another busy week of story quests. It seems Slone has caught onto the fact that Joey is a double agent alien in disguise, so she plans to thwart that recon mission by having players pretend to woo the saboteur. Drop onto any gas station and listen for the ringing where you can get Slone’s orders from a payphone. You’ll then need to catch fish at fishing holes, which is self-explanatory.

We’ve made specific guides on where to collect vintage cat food and where to collect a vase. You can harvest wood very easily just about anywhere, but it’s perhaps easiest in Weeping Woods. Lastly, you’ll want to talk with Joey, who has two spawn locations: the trailers at Believer Beach or the westside of Dirty Docks. Find them this week at one or the other and run through the related quest dialogue to complete this week’s Legendary Quests.

Moving onto Epic Quests, you can use our UFO location guide to travel in a saucer easily. You’ll find recon scanners most reliably at IO dish stations, then you can use the recon scanner to spot an infected wildlife or trespasser by heading to an invaded location (purple on your map) for trespassers, or you may just come upon infected wildlife anywhere.

Head back to any dish station to interact with equipment, then travel to Holly Hatchery and do damage from within the nanites to deal damage in alien biomes. You’ll also find plenty of alien parasites there, as well as at Durrr Burger to the southeast of Holly Hatchery where you can mark an alien parasite. Let one latch onto your head to dance with an alien parasite, then take one to the water and go for a swim with an alien parasite to complete the weekly Epic Quests.

The Wild Weeks challenges are bonuses on top of the normal challenges this week, and they’re pretty self-explanatory. As explained in the 17.40 patch notes, players will find many more suppressed weapons around the island this week, always in epic or greater quality. Keep chipping away at those challenge totals to eventually earn a bonus 100,000 XP this week. Remember, like Legendary Quests, these Wild Week Quests will be replaced every Wednesday, so get them while you can.

For more on Fortnite this week, don’t miss the arrival of Wonder Woman, or check out our picks for the best landing spots.

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About Mark Delaney

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