Fortnite Week 7 Challenges (Chapter 3, Season 2): Tank Engines, Seven Supplies, And More

It’s Thursday, Loopers, and you know what that means: more Fortnite weekly challenges for us to get closer to filling out that battle pass. We’ve got another seven challenges again this week, each with a payout of 20,000 XP for a total of 140,000 XP available for everyone. Some of these are simpler than others (road trip, anyone?), while some require a little extra finesse if you want to get every bit of XP from Week 7.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Week 7 Challenges

Damage opponents with the Repair Torch (5) – 20,000 XPDeal headshot damage with the Striker Burst Rifle (200) – 20,000 XPDestroy a turret using Remote Explosives (1) – 20,000 XPDestroy structures with the Cow Catcher (200) – 20,000 XPDisable a tank by damaging the engine (1) – 20,000 XPRecover stolen Seven supplies at IO locations (3) – 20,000 XPVisit different named locations in a single match (5) – 20,000 XP

Repair torches can be found all over the map, but a great place to look is near gas stations or Chonker’s Speedway in red toolboxes. All you need to do to hurt someone with the torch is get close to them and start burning the torch using the same button you use to shoot, and get five ticks of damage this way. You still get credit if they’re knocked down, so squad up with a friend and use it on people you’ve knocked for an easier time.

You can take care of visiting five named locations, recovering the stolen Seven supplies, and potentially even destroying 200 structures with the Cow Catcher in one go if you’re lucky; we were able to get a Cow Catcher in Chonker’s Speedway, attach it to one of the off-road Whiplashes on the race track, then run over basically everything on the way to the other objectives. The stolen Seven supplies can be found at several points on the map, all relatively close to named locations, so it should be easy to get those two objectives at once.

To damage a tank’s engine, shoot the large orange grates on the back of a tank. The tanks don’t have to be occupied, either, so drop down somewhere that has a tank spawn like Command Cavern or Rocky Reels, crouch behind a tank, and start lighting that engine up.

It shouldn’t take too long, as the engine is a lot weaker than the rest of the tank. Once the engine catches fire and the tank’s cannon droops down, you should see the notification come in that you’ve completed the quest. Now that you’re done with the weekly quests, make sure you’re taking care of the Resistance and Star Wars event quests.

About Hana Kim

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