Fortnite: Where To Emote At Stone Statues

One of the challenges you’ll be asked to complete in Fortnite this week is to emote at stone statues. It may be a little tricky to figure out exactly what that means. You can actually complete this quest at a few different spots. Once you have selected the challenge in your quest log, you’ll see it highlighted. We have two different options outlined below to help you out.

Fortnite’s Season 5, Week 9 challenges are now live and can be completed for XP.

Stone statue location guide

Below you’ll find both stone statue locations marked on the map:

You can find stone statues at the entrance to Colossal Coliseum and Coral Castle. If you’re doing this mission solo, we’d recommend going to whichever destination the battle bus will fly by last, to minimize the amount of players heading in the same direction. Either way, both spots are likely to attract many players, so be careful.

To emote at stone statues near Colossal Coliseum, just head to the entrance gates. You’ll see these statues on either side of the gate. Just perform an emote near these statues to complete the challenge.

The other spot you can complete this challenge is near Coral Castle, at the row of stone statues leading up to the entrance. Same thing here–just perform an emote near the statues to complete your objective.

Other Fortnite guides claim you can complete this challenge near the circle of stone statues south of Holly Hedges, but GameSpot was not able to get this specific location to work. Did this location work for you? Did you find other locations where you can complete this challenge? Let us know in the comments!

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Challenge reward

You will receive 20,000 XP upon completing this challenge.

For the rest of this week’s Fortnite challenges, check out where to find the hidden bunker, where to find the crashed plane’s black box, and where to shakedown an IO Guard. Additionally, you can now purchase the character Snake Eyes from the item shop. The GI Joe ninja is due to be the star of a movie releasing later this year.

About Lonnie Rad

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