Fortnite: Where To Find The Mammoth Pistol And How It Works

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 has been heavily focused on its new Wilds theme, and that trend continues with the addition of the brand-new Mammoth Pistol, which sounds exactly like something you’d expect to be wielded by brave adventurers exploring ancient jungle ruins. We’ll tell you where you can find this single-shot pistol and how it works below.

Mammoth Pistol location and how it works

The Mammoth Pistol can be found on the ground, in standard chests and Holo-Chests, and even in flying drones. In other words, if you’re wanting to use this powerful pistol, you shouldn’t have any issues rounding one up in most matches.

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If you score a Mammoth Pistol, be prepared to dish out substantial damage at the expense of fire rate. This deadly gun is extremely accurate–even at long ranges–and deals a lot of hurt to anyone you land a shot on, but it also can only fire once before needing to be reloaded.

Due to this slow fire rate, the Mammoth Pistol works best as an alternative to a sniper or marksman rifle at medium-to-long distances, or as an opener at closer ranges to break an enemy’s shield before swapping to another gun to finish them off. We’d recommend bringing along an SMG or shotgun for this reason specifically, as it could be tough to get out of a close-quarters battle with just this pistol unless you’re skilled or lucky enough to land two headshots, perhaps.

For more on what’s happening right now in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, check out where to find Bender’s Shiny Metal Raygun.

About Billy Givens

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