Fortnite Season 3 Chapter 4 has been teasing the arrival of The Herald skin for a while now, and it’s finally in-game for you to unlock. However, before you can get your hands on it, you’ll need to complete a variety of Herald Quests, which will also net you some unique cosmetics related to the antagonist. One such quest asks you to set off across the island to deliver The Herald’s warning. Here’s how to find all three NPCs and complete the quest.
Where to talk to characters to deliver the Herald’s warning
When the quest begins, your first goal will be to speak to Guaco [1] at Greasy Grove. This NPC sports a taco for a head and can be found in or around the taco restaurant. Speak to him and you’ll receive some dialogue options, at which point you’ll need to select the option to warn him.
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At this point, the quest is known to bug out for some players, completely removing the markers dictating which characters should be spoken to next. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered for the last two NPCs below.
The second NPC to warn is Cryptic [2], who can be found walking about on the Tilted Towers airship. Once again, choose the warning dialogue to complete this portion of the quest, then it’ll be off to the final NPC you need to inform. Lastly, your final stop will be warning Panther [3], who can be spoken to inside the large gas station southwest of the Herald’s Sanctum. Choose the warning dialogue once more here to complete the quest. While other NPCs don’t work for this quest, it’s still well worth finding all Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4 characters.
For more on Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4, check out everything you need to know about the new Cobra DMR and this season’s fresh addition of vaults and keys.
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