Fortnite Without Forts: Fans Are Loving The No-Build Mode In Chapter 3 Season 2

When Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2 launched last weekend, it did so without any building mechanics in the game’s central mode, battle royale. The move comes after years of some players asking Epic to incorporate such a mode and months of leakers suggesting it was finally on the way. While you can still get your building fix in other modes like Creative and Team Rumble, the game’s marquee mode won’t feature building of any kind until March 29, according to dataminers.

After that, however, Epic may have to consider whether the no-build mode is worth keeping around. According to many fans, it certainly is. We’ve rounded up the reactions from Fortnite players, content creators, and more. Here’s what the community is saying about Fortnite without its forts.

While many of the game’s most popular content creators are in favor of the new mode, the reaction has not been unanimously favorable.

For a lot of players, building was what kept them out of the game, as “Build Warriors” would reach skill ceilings that few could, making the game feel unfair and demoralizing for some number of would-be players. Without building in the game, some Fortnite-averse players are now jumping back in–or even trying it for the first time.

On my personal account, I have an ongoing poll that asks players which mode they’d stick to if Epic decided to make the no-build mode permanent. With over 40,000 votes and a few days left to vote, the no-build mode has garnered nearly two-thirds of the vote. It’s difficult to gauge how much of that preference comes down to what one might call a honeymooning period, where players prefer the new mode simply because it’s the new mode. Check out the replies for a lot of in-depth reactions from more fans.

One thing is sure, however: A permanent no-build mode would be a hit with a lot of players. For Epic, the major concern may be splitting the player base in the future. Right now though, Fortnite is still immensely popular, which should mean matchmaking continues to be smooth regardless of which mode players might choose in a hypothetical future where the two modes co-exist. We’ll have to wait and see what Epic has planned for its millions of players. Do you miss building in Fortnite or do you prefer this new look on the genre frontrunner?

About Mark Delaney

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