Fortnite Zero Crisis Finale Will Leave The Game Next Week

Fortnite Season 6 kicked off with the game’s first-ever single-player event, the Zero Crisis Finale. If you missed it when it debuted last week, the solo nature of the event meant it could be accessed at any time after its debut on March 16, but that window is soon closing. The Fortnite Zero Crisis Finale playlist will leave the game next week during the game’s regularly scheduled downtime.

Epic hasn’t given a precise date and time yet, but the team has assured fans that despite this week’s challenges mostly going live on Tuesday, the normal Thursday schedule will resume for the rest of the season. That suggests your last chance to play the Zero Crisis Finale will be sometime late Wednesday or early Thursday depending on your time zone. Of course, you could also just watch it in the video below.

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Now Playing: Fortnite Zero Crisis Event Gameplay

If you’d rather play it yourself, we won’t spoil it all. The story mission’s total runtime is less than 15 minutes, including a cinematic directed by the Russo Brothers, and features a playable section that lets you try and fix the Zero Point which floated ominously at the center of the Season 5 map. During the Zero Crisis Finale, you’ll also come face to face with The Foundation, a mystery character whom fans believe is secretly portrayed by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. On top of all that, you’ll see some fun crossovers, like Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner teaming up to take on a xenomorph and a T-800, or Kratos struggling to take down an anthropomorphized stack of pancakes. Yeah, Fortnite gets pretty weird.

Note that you can use any of your favorite cosmetics in the mission, so be sure to set your favorite hero as active before you jump into the playlist if you want to see them helping Agent Jones, The Foundation, and other characters in their quest to save the Fortnite multiverse.

As for what’s new since the Zero Crisis Finale, the Season 6 map changes come as a direct result of your mission’s fallout.

About Mark Delaney

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