Fortnite players have been upset with Epic changing how weekly quests work for Chapter 4, Season 1, with quests challenges now time-limited. Epic announced that it has made some changes to the weekly quests in order to lessen the grind.
Announced on the Fortnite Status Twitter account, Epic says that it will increase the amount of XP gained from bonus goals and reduce the number of stages needed to complete multi-stage quests. These changes go live on January 18, alongside the new weekly quests. While it isn’t clear exactly how much these changes will lessen the grind, players still aren’t happy that Epic won’t remove the timer on these challenges.
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Over on the Fortnite subreddit, some players are still upset that weekly quests are only available for a single week before they expire, something that is new to this season of Fortnite. In previous seasons, new weekly quests would unlock each week of the season, but these quests were available until the season ended. While the changes Epic has made might reduce the amount of effort needed to complete the quests, it seems as though Fortnite players won’t be happy until the time limit is removed altogether.
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