Fortnite's New Batman Zero Skin Is Available Now

Update: Fortnite’s Batman Zero outfit is available in the game now. It’s in the Shop rather than via a challenge, so you’ll need to spend V-Bucks in order to get it.

Original story follows…

We’re just one issue into the Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point six-issue comic arc, but some new related DC Comics cosmetics are already appearing online. Anyone who bought the debut issue last week already got early access to Rebirth Harley, a new Harley skin based on her look that came during DC’s 2016 comprehensive makeover. Now, a new Batman alternate Style called Batman Zero looks set to debut in the Fortnite Item Shop soon.

Fortnite YouTuber Ali-A tweeted a short video showing off the new skin, which he says was gifted to him by Epic Games ahead of its store launch set to happen “soon.” Ali-A clarified that this Batman Zero cosmetic is different than the Armored Batman cosmetic, which is a bonus seventh in-game item fans can unlock by collecting all six issues of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point.

Epic previously announced that, besides Rebirth Harley, all items related to Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point will arrive in the Item Shop day-and-date with their respective comic issues. Since the second issue will hit digital and physical comic shops on May 4, we can expect some sort of DC Comics section in the shop that day, though Batman Zero still may be planned for a later date.

The tattered suit and cape match Batman’s look in the debut issue of the crossover comic, so even if the character skin isn’t itself a reward for comic readers, it’s likely some other part of his Zero set will be, perhaps a new Harvesting Tool or Back Bling. Previously, Deathstroke’s Glider from the cover art of a later issue in the comics was discovered as a future in-game item, leading dataminers to believe the notorious Batman villain will make his Fortnite debut this year.

It seems like May 4 will be a busy day in the Fortnite Item Shop, as dataminers have also found hints of a new Star Wars skin arriving that day.

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About Mark Delaney

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