Microsoft has revealed the Achievements list for Forza Horizon 5, which is set to release in November. The Achievements vary, both in terms of difficulty and time spent to complete them.
Some of the early Achievements that are easy to nab are “Welcome to Mexico” which is earned by simply arriving at Horizon Festival Mexico (booting up the game), and “Race into Action” which requires players to complete any Horizon Race Event. These kinds of Achievements net players 10 points of Gamerscore.
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A few of the more time-consuming ones like Living Legend and Seasoned Veteran reward players with 50 points. The former requires players to earn 300 stars from PR Stunts and the latter requires the completion of a Festival playlist activity in every season.
Forza Horizon 5 has 11 biomes, showcasing the environmental diversity of Mexico. The game also features the DeLorean, a vehicle made famous in Back to the Future.
Forza Horizon 5 releases on November 9 for PC via Steam and Windows 10, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. Players have the standard, deluxe, and premium versions of Forza Horizon 5 to choose from. The standard version of the game is available on Day One through Xbox Game Pass.
Subscribers who also purchase the Premium Add-Ons bundle will receive the DLC that comes with the premium version, including the VIP membership, the Welcome Pack, and the Car Pass, as well as the ability to play Early Access starting on November 5.