Free Sims 4 Update Adds Medical Wearables, Binders, And A Light Switch

EA has released a new base game update for The Sims 4 which includes a number of medical wearables, binders, and shapewear for Create A Sim, as well as console improvements and a long-awaited furniture item: the humble light switch.

The new Create A Sim items give players a heap of more options in creating Sims that mirror a range of different life experiences. A new Medical Wearables category has been created under Body and Face Accessories. The category includes a hearing aid that comes in 15 different colors and can be used on Sims from Toddler age upwards. A separate Medical Wearables category is also available under body customization, with this menu including Glucose Monitors for Sims aged Child and up, which is able to be assigned on either arm, or on the lower abdomen on either side.

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Under the Body Scars category, players can also now add a Top Surgery Scar customization to male Sims aged Teen or older with either a masculine or feminine frame.

The update also comes with two new clothing options. The first is a binder which is available for Teen and older Sims under Tanks in the Tops category, and the second is a shapewear item that is sorted under Underwear in the Bottoms section.

There’s also one new build item in the form of the Unswitchable Switch, a light switch that’s been added for players who long for more realism in their builds. From the item’s name, it seems the light switch is just decorative, not an interactable object.

The remainder of the update focuses on quality-of-life improvements for console players, which are listed in more detail in EA’s patch notes. The update has added manual UI placement for console players, as well as adjustable cursor scaling. A number of improvements have also been made to Build Mode, as well as general updates to controls and navigation on consoles.

In other Sims news, playtesting has begun on the next Sims game, known internally as Project Rene, which will have more of a multiplayer focus than previous titles in the franchise.

About Hayley Williams

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