From Software Has Two New Games Planned For Release After Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

From Software president Hidetaka Miyazaki has revealed that the developer is currently working on two unannounced games. Whether both are sequels to existing series or the start to brand-new franchises has yet to be revealed.

Miyazaki made the announcement during an interview with, which was translated by Gematsu. “While it isn’t the time to discuss details, they’re both [From Software]-esque games,” Miyazaki said. “We’ll need a little more time, but we’ll be able to tell everyone more about them once they take shape.”

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Back in June 2016, From Software revealed it had new games scheduled for the future. The first turned out to be Deracine with the second being the upcoming Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Based on the phrasing for the new games, it’s probably safe to assume the two unannounced titles are closer in length and scope to Sekiro as opposed to Deracine. Miyazaki added that both Dark Souls Remastered and Metal Wolf Chaos XD were not included in this original projection, and that the unannounced games are brand-new titles and not remasters.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is From Software’s next game, coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC on March 22. It’s Matt Espineli’s most anticipated game for 2019, largely for its setting and fast-paced mechanics. Sekiro leaves behind the medieval castles of Dark Souls III and Victorian catacombs of Bloodborne for steampunk feudal Japan. Combat is even faster than From Software’s previous Soulsborne games, mimicking the challenging back and forth of the Tenchu franchise. For more information, here’s everything we know.

About Jordan Ramée

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