Future Halo Infinite Tests Will See Significant Improvements To PC Performance

Halo Infinite’s first technical test, which generally seems to have made a good first-impression, left something to be desired among certain players on PC who noted various performance issues even on higher-end machines. That is something developer 343 Industries is now assuring fans will be significantly improving for future tests and in the game’s full release.

In statements to IGN as part of a new video breaking down Halo Infinite’s still-in-progress performance across both PC and consoles, 343 said PC players in future tests “will see a lot of things fixed.”

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“We’re continuing to work on improving performance and compatibility across all hardware configurations, and have been seeing some really great gains there,” 343 said. “We’ve solved the issue that was impacting players running the GTX 900 series, have reduced CPU load and improved overall GPU performance.

The developer went on to say that “PC performance had a misconfiguration and we expect significant PC performance improvements in future builds.”

When it comes to performance on older consoles like the Xbox One, which runs at a stable 30 frames-per-second but with scaled back image quality and lower-resolution textures, 343 says there have already been stability improvements since the technical preview. “Our team is very focused on finding the best balance possible between frame timing and latency, and we’ll continue to adjust and fine-tune as we get player feedback to ensure the most fair, competitive experience possible.”

While Halo Infinite’s first technical test has come and gone, it won’t be the last. 343 will be conducting more tests in the future, and is encouraging players interested in participating to sign up via the Halo Insider program. One unforeseen issue arising from the first tech test was the leak of Halo Infinite campaign spoilers datamined from the game’s files, something that future tests will hopefully make sure doesn’t happen again. Halo Infinite still does not have a firm release date, but is slated to release this holiday season.

About Cameron Koch

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