Future Of Cyberpunk 2077's Multiplayer Is Very Confusing

Previously, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077’s multiplayer would be a “standalone” product and not just a mode in the single-player game. However, in CDPR’s new strategy update video, the company dropped new information that casts uncertainty around the future of Cyberpunk 2077‘s multiplayer game.

President and joint CEO Adam Kiciński stated, “Previously we hinted that our next AAA would be a multiplayer Cyberpunk game but we have decided to reconsider this plan. Given our new, more systematic and agile approach, instead of primarily focusing on one big online experience or game, we are focusing on bringing online into all of our franchises one day.”

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It’s a statement that neither confirms nor denies whether the standalone Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer mode is still happening.

The only suggestion we can glean from Kiciński’s comment is that Cyberpunk 2077’s multiplayer standalone game has been deprioritized in some way in favor of bringing multiplayer to all franchises. Last we heard, CDPR said in January 2020 that players should expect it to release in 2022 at the earliest.

Kiciński further elaborated on CDPR’s future plans for online integration but did not comment explicitly on the status of Cyberpunk 2077’s multiplayer game. “We are building an online technology that can be seamlessly integrated into development of our future games. This technology will power online components we choose to introduce in our games, and will ensure we can do so without any great technological debt. With this technology in place, we can start to grow an online community–powered by our own GOG Galaxy platform–which connects gamers both inside and outside of our games,” he stated.

Kiciński also said the studio is “not working on the next big game as a big online experience,” though it’s unclear whether this in reference to the standalone Cyberpunk multiplayer game or a separate project.

“So, we’re enhancing our single-player games with online experiences,” he added.

We’ll update here if we find out more information about Cyberpunk 2077’s standalone multiplayer game.

In the same video, CPDR also covered communication and development changes–most of them in response to Cyberpunk 2077’s troubled launch. You can check out our rundown of CDPR’s strategy update video for more information about the company’s future plans.

About Jenny Zheng

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