Gamescom 2022 Will Be An In-Person And Online Hybrid Event

For the last two years, Gamescom has been an all-digital event thanks to COVID-19 restrictions. This year will see Europe’s largest gaming trade show operate as a hybrid event that will be held on-site in its usual German location of Cologne, while also offering an online component.

As is tradition, the Gamescom Opening Night Live livestream will kick off the event on August 23. This will be followed by four days of access for the public, trade visitors, journalists, and content creators that will end on August 28. To keep attendees safe, digital queue management, limited ticket sales, and wider aisles in the halls have been arranged on top of standard hygiene and safety protocols that the venue uses.

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For those people who’ll be attending in an online capacity, interactive quests will return in the Gamescom Now website, with these activities unlocking rewards from certain exhibitors. Gamescom 2021 was originally positioned to be a hybrid event, but a surge in coronavirus cases in Europe last year forced organizers to adopt a digital-only approach instead.

This year’s event is also aiming to offset all emissions created by the running of the show by creating a “climate-friendly” games event. This will be done through the use of free public transport tickets while raising money for the Gamescom Forest reforestation project.

On the other side of the globe, this year’s E3 will be digital-only again due to the ongoing health risks surrounding COVID-19. Previous E3 events have seen the gaming convention operate in a more diminished capacity, offering independent press conferences from several different publishers, a week of livestreamed content, and a web portal that didn’t have much content to explore.

For everything that we do know about E3 2022, you can click the link for more details.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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