Garfield Is Playable In Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl On Mondays, But He Shouldn't Be

A fake article went around recently claiming that the latest character being added to Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Garfield, wouldn’t be playable on Mondays. Naturally, the story was eaten up like lasagna, but anyone who bought it is blameless. It’s Garfield! Of course he’s not playable on Mondays! It just made too much sense.

But with the article out as a fake, it seems like the lasagna-loving cat is doomed to work on Mondays. In all honesty, that’s pretty messed up. Garfield doesn’t do things on Mondays, that’s a key part of his schtick! If Ludosity, All-Star Brawl’s developer, wants to treat the character right, it should buy into the bit and make Garfield unplayable at the start of every week.

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Now Playing: Garfield Showcase – Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl

It’s simply a wonderful idea, something that would set the game apart and show that it pays a hilarious amount of attention to the source material it’s pulling from. It may go against the competitive aspect of Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl, a game where players can wave dash like they’re playing Melee and string sickeningly long combos together, but letting players adjust the rule itself would solve that issue. All that would have to be added is a switch that gives Garfield Mondays off, simple as that.

Garfield was added to Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl as a free character DLC on December 9, becoming the platform fighter’s 21st character. Other additional fighters are also going to be added to the game in the future, although it’s not clear if they’ll be picked at random or from our own list of characters who should make it in.

About Otto Kratky

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