Genshin Impact 3.1 Takes Players To Sumeru's Desert, Scaramouche Shows Up Menacingly

Genshin Impact 3.1, called King Deshret and the Three Magi, will take players to Sumeru’s desert. Like the title implies, the story revolves around King Deshret. In the desert, Aaru Village is one of the biggest Desertfolk abodes and hosts a lot of Akademiya exiles.

It looks like players will also enter King Deshret’s Maesoleum and encounter The Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer–a normal boss with a very long name and the ability to turn invisible. Back in the rainforest, Aeonblight Drake will be another new boss.

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Now Playing: Genshin Impact King Deshret and the Three Magi Version 3.1 Official Trailer

While not detailed in the PlayStation Blog post overview of 3.1, Scaramouche looks like he plays some sort of pivotal antagonistic role. He’s seen “piloting” some sort of Electro “mecha” in the trailer, though it’s mysterious what he’s exactly up to in Sumeru.

Candace, Cyno, and Nilou will also become playable characters in 3.1 Candace and Nilou are Hydro characters, and Cyno is Electro. For the first half, Cyno and Candace will be available to pull, along with Venti’s rerun. Nilou and Albedo’s rerun will take place in the latter half of 3.1

Venti’s rerun is likely due to a new event brewing, ahem, over in Mondstadt. Over in players’ starting city, the annual Weinlesefest begins–an Autumn celebration of wine and the Anemo Archon. From the trailer, it appears we’ll learn more about Razor’s parents.

3.1 will also see a rerun of the daily login event. Players can log in everyday for different rewards, including Intertwined Fates. They’ll also receive Primogems ×1,600, Fragile Resin ×4, and two unique gadgets, Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper, and Cloud Retainer’s Damasked Device in their inboxes.

About Jenny Zheng

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