Genshin Impact Complete Beginner's Guide

Starting a new role-playing game can be pretty intimidating, especially if you’re totally new to the game. Genshin Impact is one of the most popular live-service RPGs right now that continues to receive fresh updates every few months and only seems to be growing.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a complete Beginners Guide to Genshin Impact that will help you understand the basics, including how it works, how it plays, and what you can do to make your first steps into the world of Teyvat a smooth experience.

What is Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play open-world RPG with a party-based battle system. The game also has a gacha mechanic, meaning the player can spend in-game currency to earn characters and weapons. Genshin Impact can be played completely solo, or through online cooperative play. The game is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, and iOS devices. There are currently no plans for an Xbox or Nintendo Switch release.

Adventure Rank and World-level

In Genshin Impact, your account level is named Adventure Rank. Currently, Adventure Rank 60 is the highest Rank you can reach in the game. However, the higher your AR, the more EXP you will need to reach the next level.

Upon reaching certain milestones with your Adventure Rank and completing the correlating quest, your World Level will also increase, raising the level of enemies in the environment, thereby making them more challenging.

Adventurer’s Guild and Daily Commissions

Genshin Impact is a live service game and therefore has a daily reset which occurs at 4 am server time. The daily reset will refresh all of the in-world instances, such as monster encounters, ingredients, and more. Certain shops in specific cities will also be refreshed, allowing you to purchase the same items again.

There’s also the Adventurers’ Guild Daily Commissions system. This is a feature you’ll unlock at Adventure Rank 12. Every day four Commissions will become available to you to complete which will each earn you EXP, Companionship EXP, Primogems, Mora (gold), and Enhancement Ore.

After completing all four Commission Quests, turning them into the Adventurers Guild will give you an additional 500 Adventure Rank EXP. This is a large amount of EXP in Genshin Impact, so it’s recommended you complete your Daily Commissions every day as it’s a great way of levelling your account early on.


There are various types of quests you’ll encounter in Genshin Impact. The most important is the main story in the form of Archon Quests–which continue to be added with every major patch. Here are the different quest types to look out for, and how important they are:

Archon quests – the main storyStory quests – quests that build on the storyHangout quests – unlockable character questsWorld quests – found around TeyvatEvent quests – released during event periods

Visions, Weapons, and Artifacts

Genshin Impact has an elemental-style gameplay system. This means each playable character in the game has their own elemental power, which is called a Vision. There are seven Vision types: Anemo, Hydro, Cryo, Geo, Pyro, Electro, and Dendro.

Alongside a Vision, each character also has their own weapon. These weapon types include the Sword, Claymore, Polearm, Bow, and Catalyst.

In Genshin Impact, items called Artifacts are used to raise character’s stats–thus making them stronger in ATK, DEF, CRIT, Max HP, Elemental output, and more. It’s important to equip and switch out Artifacts to your characters as you level them as well.

Constellations and Talents

Each character in Genshin Impact also has their own unique Constellation and Talent page. The Constellation contains six levels that will increase the effectiveness of your character’s existing abilities when unlocked. While playing, you’ll earn something called a Stella Fortuna–a Constellation activation material.

Talents are special abilities that the player can upgrade to a certain level. These Talents are split into Combat and Passive skills. Every time you upgrade an ability, they’ll become more effective in combat.

Wishes and Primogems

Genshin Impact has a gacha-based mechanic which means that characters will periodically become available to players to roll and obtain. Every 10 Wishes, the player is guaranteed either a four-star or five-star item.

Every few weeks, a new Event Banner will be released which will feature new, or previously released, characters. In order to roll on these Banners, you’ll need something called Wishes, a form of currency that can be obtained in-game or by trading Primogems–another form of gacha currency.

How to obtain Primogems and Wishes:

As I previously mentioned, Wishes can be obtained through completing certain goals in Genshin Impact, however, the faster way to obtain them is by trading Primogems. Primogems can either be purchased from the in-game store with real money or through completing quests and other activities in-game.

All the ways to obtain Primogems:

Completing certain questsDaily login bonusWorld explorationWorld Bosses and DomainsSpiral AbyssAchievementsLevelling Statues of the SevenCompleting chapters in Adventurer’s Handbook


Crafting and gathering items and materials is a massive part of Genshin Impact. While exploring, you’ll come across ingredients such as food, and plants, as well as collectable materials such as ore and insects. It’s vital that you continue to collect these items as you play because they’re sure to come in handy later on.

Collecting items is necessary for cooking dishes, upgrading weapons, levelling your characters, crafting unique items, and more. Every new location you discover will also feature brand new items and ingredients for you to collect as well.

Domains / World Bosses / Ley Line Outcrops

In Teyvat, you’ll come across instances where you’ll be required to spend something called Original Resin in order to collect loot from Domains, World Bosses, and Leylines. Before I explain what these three features are, it’s important to know what exactly Original Resin is, and why it’s so important in Genshin Impact.

Original Resin: Original Resin is a resource in Genshin Impact that is used to claim challenge rewards after completing Ley Line Outcrops, Domains, and World Bosses. Original Resin replenishes itself over time, with a daily limited amount of 120. There is also a consumable called Fragile Resin–which can be obtained from the places like the Battle Pass and AR Rewards–that can be used to obtain more Original Resin.

Domains: In the world of Genshin Impact, Domains are effectively dungeons. They can be found scattered around Teyvat and be unlocked and accessed solo or during cooperative play. Domains will reward you with large amounts of AR EXP, as well as Primogems and special unique Artifacts. However, specific Artifacts will only be obtainable in specific Domains during certain days of the week.

World Bosses: While exploring Teyvat, you’ll also come across big arena-type locations that are home to a certain world boss. These bosses each have their own unique strategy for beating as well as their own element–so it’s vital you have a versatile party build when going up against them.

Ley Line Outcrops: These are an open-world challenge that will grant you Adventure Rank EXP, levelling materials, and Mora once you’ve completed them. There are a number of Outcrops that can be found throughout the world, but the feature can only be unlocked once you reach Adventure Rank 8.

Levelling characters

Each character in Genshin Impact can be levelled to Level 90. When you first obtain a character, you’ll be able to level them quite easily to Level 20 using the materials and Mora at your disposal. However, the higher the level, the more materials you’ll need–including ones that are only obtained from Domains and World bosses.

Once reaching a certain level milestone (such as Level 50), advancing to the next one (such as Level 60) requires you to Ascend using rarer items. If you have a number of different characters in your collection, you should definitely prioritise the ones you intend to play the most just in case you run out of Character Development Items.

Unlocking and Leveling Statues of The Seven

While exploring Teyvat, you’ll come across Statues of The Seven. These statues unlock sections of your map, so it’s important to look out for them as you enter new Regions because they also act as teleportation waypoints.

Through exploration, you’ll also come across an Adventure Item called Oculi that correspond to the Region you collect them in. Currently, these are: Anemoculus for Mondstadt, Geoculus for Liyue, and Electroculus for Inazuma.

Collecting these is just as important as collecting anything else because you’ll need them to level Statues of The Seven.

Why level Statues of The Seven? Each time you do, you are rewarded with Primogems, Adventure EXP, tradeable Sigils, and–most importantly–stamina. Stamina gained from levelling up statues is added to your Maximum Stamina which is vital for exploring, battling monsters, and scaling cliffs.

Additional things you should know

Alongside Statues of The Seven, you’ll also find smaller teleportation waypoints that you should unlock as soon as you find them. Unlocking the Statues first will unlock parts of your map, allowing you to see where those waypoints are located.Your Adventurer Handbook is another important tool at your disposal. This feature will allow you to see your progression, select which region you want your Commissions to spawn the next day, display Domains, and help you track enemies for loot.Among everything you will discover in Teyvat, you’ll also come across puzzles. Interacting and completing these puzzles will offer new opportunities, as well as rewards.While exploring you’ll also find floating creatures called Seelies. Following these Seelie’s will lead you to their respective Seelie Court statue where they will rest–rewarding you with treasure, and sometimes unlocking new pathways.

About Demi Williams

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