Genshin Impact – Electro Regisvine Boss Guide

The Genshin Impact version 3.0 update has added yet another plant boss to Teyvat: the Electro Regisvine. Sumeru‘s Regisvine is slightly tougher than the ones found in Mondstadt and Liyue, but you won’t need to change up the strategy too much. Here are some tips for how to defeat this giant, electric plant.

Where to Find the Electro Regisvine

This Regisvine is found within Sumeru’s northeastern region, the Mawtiyima Forest. It’s sitting inside a cave, just like its Pyro and Cryo counterparts. However, this cave entrance isn’t located near the boss’s map icon. Instead, the entrance is directly north of the icon. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when Electro Slimes and an Abyss Mage appear. Here’s where to look:

How to Beat the Electro Regisvine

Use Dendro and Pyro: Dendro and Pyro work together to create the Burning reaction, or the Burgeon reaction when mixed with Hydro’s Bloom. Use these effects to destroy the Electro Regisvine’s internal core, just like you would with the Pyro and Cryo Regisvines.Use Cryo: Cryo also works well, even though it doesn’t react with Dendro at all. With this strategy, it’s best to use a Melt team (Cryo and Pyro) for better elemental synergy. Aim for the internal core with this team as well, in order to down the plant and deal massive damage.Destroy the external cores: When the Regisvine’s internal core shifts between its roots or corolla, an external core will be created. If two external cores are created, they will move toward one another and eventually cause a huge explosion. Destroy them with elemental reactions to prevent this.

Electro Regisvine Abilities

Root form attacks: When the Regisvine’s internal core is at its roots, it’ll use moves that are accompanied by purple lightning. Watch out for the usual element-infused slams and spins, on top of Electro projectiles and lightning strikes from the sky.Corolla form attacks: When the Regisvine’s internal core is inside its corolla, its moves will create yellow lightning as it attacks more aggressively. The slams and spins will now last longer, while the projectiles become a large laser beam.Core explosions: The magnetic explosions mentioned above can occur during either phase, so be sure to get rid of the yellow and purple external cores as soon as they appear.

Team Comp Suggestions

First character: The first pick should be either a Dendro or Cryo character. This decision will then influence the rest of the team comp. Tighnari, Collei, and the Traveler work for Dendro, while Ayaka, Ganyu, or Eula can fill the main DPS role for Cryo.Second character: The second choice should be a Pyro user, whether it be a main DPS like Hu Tao, Yoimiya, or Yanfei, or a support/sub DPS like Xiangling or Bennett. Of course, only one main DPS is necessary, so plan accordingly after the first character.Third character: The third choice should be either a healer or a shielder if you don’t have Bennett. Diona is a great pick here simply because she can do both and is also a Cryo character. But the standard Zhongli, Kokomi, Barbara, or Noelle picks are also nice. Thoma and Xinyan fit as well, if more Pyro is necessary.Fourth character: The final choice can be another Pyro for a Resonance ATK buff, or another Dendro for even more elemental application. Anemo characters can shred resistances through Swirl as well, so there are plenty of options. The choice is up to you here.

Nothing the Electro Regisvine does should surprise players who have already fought the Pyro and Cryo versions, save for the core explosions. These bosses can’t even move to avoid your attacks, so this fight should be a relatively simple one as long as you have good dodges, healing, or shields to keep the team alive.

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About Ethan Anderson

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