Genshin Impact Version 3.5 Adds Two New Playable Characters And A Variety Of Events

The latest Genshin Impact update brings two new characters, Dehya and Mika, and sees the return of the Windblume Festival.

Dehya is a five-star Pyro Claymore user. She has been a long-time cast member, active throughout the Sumeru storyline. Dehya can place Fiery Sanctum fields causing AoE Pyro damage when enemies take damage. She also mitigates damage for other characters in the party, taking it on herself. Activating her elemental burst will see her enter a Blazing Lioness state where she can deal extra fire damage with her fists.

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Now Playing: Genshin Impact | Version 3.5 "Windblume's Breath" Trailer

Mika is a four-star Cryo Polearm user. He also wields a crossbow and thereby can attack enemies at range. Other party members will benefit from an increased attack weapon when around Mika. His elemental skill will also give other party members higher physical damage. His elemental burst heals other party members and grants the Eagleplume state, which enables party members to gain health from performing normal attacks.

The Windblume festival includes various mini-games such as photography challenges, a rhythm game, and timed racing challenges. Participation in the festival will win you the exclusive four-star Claymore, the Mailed Flower. You can also participate in battles via the Vibro-Crystal Verification challenge event. Combine Transmitter crystals with Reciever crystals to produces effect you can utilize in special battle. With the right strategy, you can vanquish foes with ease and win rewards.

As for other updates, a limited-edition mode of the Genius Invocation TCG, called Heated Battle Mode, is now available. Each completed Archon Quest will grant you an extra Intertwined Fate. Prime Gaming members will receive a “Wings of the Starlit Feast” if you link your Prime account to Genshin Impact.

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About Grace Benfell

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