Genshin Impact Version 3.6 Expands Sumeru And Adds In Two New Dendro Users

The trailer for Genshin Impact version 3.6 is here, offering a look at a new area in Sumeru, and the arrival of the first Akademiya Extravaganza.

Genshin Impacts’ next update, version 3.6, is set to arrive April 12, and a new area made up of wastelands and an oasis in the Sumeru region will be added as part of the update. According to a press release, this area has been damaged by Gray Crystals and corruptive Purple Mists. “This place was one of the main battlefields during the Khaenri’ah cataclysm five hundred years ago,” reads the press release. “Fortunately, visiting Travelers are accompanied on their visit by “Pari,” creatures unique to the oasis. Using their ability to fly, Travelers can reach unreachable areas and thereby discover mysteries.”

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The first Akademiya Extravaganza also comes with this update, hosted by the Sumeru Akademiya, and will feature two main events: the Wisdom Gala and the Interdarshan Championship. At the Wisdom Gala, booths will be set up and will include six different minigames, each designed by one of the Six Darshans to show off their research interests and achievements. Those same Six Darshans will compete for the top spot at the Interdashan Championship in the new storyline featured in the update.

You’ll also find two new playable characters in the update: Baizhu, a five-star Catalyst wielder and a “benevolent doctor with the power of Dendro, capable of driving wandering sprites and raising a Seamless Shield to heal the team,” and Kaven, a four-star Dendro Claymore wielder and talented architect. Nahida and Nilou will also have their reruns in the first half of the Event Wishes, with the latter half seeing Baizhu and Kaveh debut, as well as Ganyu’s rerun.

Lastly, Apep the Dragon of Verdure will now appear in the new Trounce Domain as a weekly boss. If you want to learn more about the story behind this new boss, as well as the history of Sumeru, you can learn more in Nahida’s Story Quest “Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter: Act II.”

Genshin Impact version 3.6 arrives April 12 on PS4, PS5, PC, and mobile.

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About Oisin Kuhnke

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