Genshin Impact – Yelan's Ascension Materials Farming Guide

Yelan, the five-star hydro bow user, was made available in Genshin Impact’s 2.7 update. With a unique dice theme, Yelan’s abilities scale on HP. Her kit, especially her burst, can buff your active player on the field. She suits the sub-DPS hydro applicator role well and brings benefits to a group with different element types.

Like other new characters, she’s gated behind the latest content. While three out of the four materials for ascension (Varunda Lazurite, Starconch, and Recruit’s Insignia) can be found as soon as you unlock Liyue, the final Runic Fang can only be found in The Chasm.

Ascension Materials

Ascension Varunada Lazurite Starconch Recruit’s Insignia Runic Fang Mora
1 1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver 3 3 Recruit’s Insignias 0 20,000
2 3 Varunada Lazurite Fragment 10 15 Recruit’s Insignias 2 40,000
3 6 Varunada Lazurite Fragment 20 12 Lieutenant Insignias 4 60,000
4 3 Varunada Lazurite Chunk 30 18 Lieutenant Insignias 8 80,000
5 6 Varunada Lazurite Chunk 45 12 Sergeant’s Insignias 12 100,000
6 6 Varunada Lazurite Gemstone 60 24 Sergeant’s Insignias 20 120,000
TOTAL (level 80) 1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver9 Varunada Lazurite Fragment9 Varunada Lazurite Chunk 108 18 Recruit’s Insignias30 Lieutenant Insignias12 Sergeant’s Insignias 26 300,000
TOTAL (level 90) 1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver9 Varuanda Lazurite Fragment9 Varunada Lazurite Chunk6 Varunada Lazurite Gemstone 168 18 Recruit’s Insignias30 Lieutenant Insignias36 Sergeant’s Insignias 46 420,000

Varunada Lazurite

You can find a limited amount of Varunada Lazurite in Souvenir Shops. The following normal boss fights also drop “hydro shards:” Hydro Hypostasis, Rhodeia of Loch, and Primo Geovishap (if infused with hydro). The weekly bosses that drop Varunada Lazurite are Stormterror, Azhdaha, and Childe.


This material can be found on beaches in Liyue. Guyun Stone Forest’s beaches have quite a few, as well as Yaoguang Shoal. Check out Teyvat Interactive Map for a comprehensive log of starconch locations.

Recruit’s Insignia

Farm Fatui Agents for Recruit’s Insignias. They’re spread out all over Teyvat, so you have your choice of areas for farming. Usually they’ll be in a group full of diverse elements (Hydro, Pyro, Electro, and Geo), so it’s good to not rely on a single element farming party. (Though, you can do what you want! With enough DPS, single element parties are fine.)

Runic Fang

Runic Fangs are dropped by the new weekly boss in The Chasm, the Ruin Serpent. It’s not a particularly difficult boss, but can be tedious to farm. The Serpent dives in and out of the ground, and it doesn’t take damage while underground. There’s also a unique mechanism that requires use of the Lumenstone Adjuvant. You can check out our Ruin Serpent guide for how to take it down.

Talent Ascension Materials

Talent Level Handguard Talent Books Boss Drops Other Mora
1 -> 2 6 Recruit’s Insignias 3 Teachings of Prosperity 12,500
2 -> 3 3 Sergeant’s Insignias 3 Guides to Prosperity 17,500
3 -> 4 4 Sergeant’s Insignias 4 Guides to Prosperity 25,000
4 -> 5 6 Sergeant’s Insignias 6 Guides to Prosperity 30,000
5 -> 6 9 Sergeant’s Insignias 9 Guides to Prosperity 37,500
6 -> 7 4 Lieutenant’s Insignias 4 Philosophies of Prosperity 1 Gilded Scale 120,000
7 -> 8 6 Lieutenant’s Insignias 6 Philosophies of Prosperity 1 Gilded Scale 260,000
8 -> 9 9 Lieutenant’s Insignias 12 Philosophies of Prosperity 2 Gilded Scales 450,000
9 -> 10 12 Lieutenant’s Insignias 16 Philosophies of Prosperity 2 Gilded Scales 1 Crown of Insight 700,000
TOTAL (8 -> 9) 6 Recruit’s Insignias22 Sergeant’s Insignias19 Lieutenant’s Insignias 3 Teachings of Prosperity21 Guides to Prosperity22 Philsophies of Prosperity 4 Gilded Scales 0 Crown of Insight
TOTAL (9 -> 10) 6 Recruit’s Insignias22 Sergeant’s Insignias31 Lieutenant’s Insignias 3 Teachings of Prosperity21 Guides to Prosperity38 Philsophies of Prosperity 6 Gilded Scales 1 Crown of Insight 1,652,500

Talent Books

Taishan Mountain drops Yelan’s Prosperity books on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.

Gilded Scales

Azhdaha, the Lord of the Vishaps, drops Gilded Scales. Azhdaha is unlocked by completing Zhongli’s second story quest. Sayu and Kazuha also use Azhdaha’s dropped materials for ascension.

Crown of Insight

Crowns are rare in Genshin, so make sure you really want to use it on Yelan. The general rule is to crown your main DPS units, so if you’re not sure about where Yelan fits on your team yet, I would suggest holding off. If you’d like to crown Yelan, Crown of Insights can be obtained by leveling up the Frostbearing Tree and Sacred Sakura’s Favor. Otherwise, you’ll need to participate in limited-time events to get Crowns.

About Jenny Zheng

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