Genshin Impact's Next Update Adds A Cozy Potion Shop-Management Sim

Genshin Impact Version 4.5 is arriving soon on March 13, and developer HoYoverse has announced some of the new content and features that’ll be added with the update. A new event will see players managing an alchemical potion shop, seamstress Chiori will join the roster of playable characters, and another event will allow players to spend some downtime playing with a bunch of cute cats.

While Genshin Impact’s bread and butter is in team-building and elemental-based combat, the game is no stranger to adding in game modes from different genres–from tower defense to base building. Now, the game will be able to play a management sim in the new major seasonal event Alchemical Ascension.

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Alongside Mondstadt’s Jean and Lisa, players will have to build up an alchemical business, from collecting ingredients to making and selling potions, down to dealing with the demands of familiar customers. The event will be awarding multiple different rewards, including the exclusive 4-star polearm Dialogues of the Desert Sages.

The next new playable character will be Chiori, the fashionable Inazuma seamstress behind Fontaine’s Chioriya Boutique. Chiori is a 5-star Geo sword user who can summon a damage-dealing automaton named Tamoto. Chiori will be available on the first banner of Version 4.5 alongside fellow Geo character Arataki Itto, with the second banner for this update featuring Neuvillette and Kaedehara Kazuha.

Version 4.5 will also feature two other events: Feline Fortress Furrdyssey, which will allow players to feed, play with, and build an enclosure for a selection of cute cats, and Rolling Crossfire, a minigame that involves shooting a cannon.

The upcoming update is called Blades Weaving Betwixt Brocade, and will arrive on March 13 for PC, PlayStation, iOS, and Android. The update also contains a number of quality-of-life upgrades for the free-to-play game, which is now in its fourth year.

About Hayley Williams

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