Geras Returns In Mortal Kombat 1, And He's Liu Kang's Buddy Now

A new Mortal Kombat 1 trailer debuted at DreamCon–an anime and video game convention in Texas–over the weekend, and it confirmed the sand-wielding time warrior Geras will be returning to the playable roster. However, this time, he and Liu Kang are on much better terms.

The video highlights a deep conversation between Liu Kang and Geras, with the latter assigned as the keeper of the Hourglass–the “celestial item” which played a central part of the previous game’s story. The two are on much friendlier terms, it seems, as Liu Kang greets Geras warmly before they speak about Liu Kang’s vision for the universe–and how it, according to Geras, “may already be compromised.”

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Now Playing: Mortal Kombat 1 Official Keepers of Time Trailer (Geras, Sektor, Rain)

The trailer also shows Geras in action, and he’s once again using time itself against his opponents. Just as he did in MK11, he possesses the ability to freeze opponents in place, land a few extra hits, and then continue the combo once the opponent is released from their temporary temporal time-out.

We also get a quick glimpse at two Fatalities, one for Geras and one for Liu Kang. Geras summons a sand tornado and grinds his opponent’s body against it before slamming them into oblivion, while Liu Kang takes his opponent through a portal into space, summons a black hole, and watches as it consumes his foe.

Geras joins a playable roster which includes Liu Kang, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Raiden, Kitana, Mileena, Smoke, Rain, Li Mei, Tanya, and Baraka. No new Kameo Fighters were revealed in this trailer, though we did get glimpses of Frost and Darrius.

Mortal Kombat 1 launches September 19 for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Those who preorder the Premium or Kollector’s Editions will be able to access the game early on September 14.

About Jason Fanelli

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