Get 13 PC Games For $10, And Help Fight Cancer With The F*** Cancer Humble Bundle

The only thing better than a great deal? A great deal that helps support a great cause, of course. Luckily, that’s just what the folks at Humble do the best.

To celebrate the life of former Starbreeze Studios head Mikael Nermark, Humble has teamed up with the developer’s friends, family, and colleagues across the games industry to “grant him one final birthday wish”: a Humble bundle dedicated to funding cancer research.

Consisting of 13 games ranging from the asymmetrical survival horror title Dead by Daylight to Starbreeze Studios’ Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, the F*** Cancer Bundle contains nearly $300 USD worth of games. However, for just $10 USD, you can be the proud owner of every last one of ’em. Even better, 100% of your purchase will be donated to Cancerfonden (Swedish Cancer Society), an independent non-profit organization whose main mission is to defeat cancer.

As of right now, nearly 30,000 of these Bundles have been sold–and its only been on sale for three days. The F*** Cancer Bundle will remain on sale for until February 18 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET. Here’s a list of all the games included, as well as their current retail value on Steam.

Games included:

World War Z: Aftermath ($40)Dead by Daylight ($20)Payday 2 ($10)Magicka ($10)Dungeon of the Endless ($12)theHunter: Call of the Wild ($20)Homeworld Remastered Collection ($35)Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak ($50)Little Nightmares ($20)Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons ($15)Peppy’s Adventure ($12)Red Faction: Armageddon ($20)Hamilton’s Great Adventure ($10)

About Jessica Cogswell

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