Ghost Recon: Frontline Multiplayer Test Delayed Indefinitely

The Ghost Recon: Frontline closed testing period has been delayed indefinitely. Ubisoft announced today that it decided it would be best to postpone the testing period for reasons it did not explain, though it might have something to do with the backlash to the game’s announcement.

“The development team is dedicated to creating the best experience possible,” Ubisoft said. “Thank you for your ongoing support.” More details will be shared on the new date for Frontline’s testing period at some point in the future.

Frontline was announced as part of Ubisoft’s 20th anniversary Ghost Recon stream. The game’s announcement trailer was ratio’d hard by viewers, with 17,000 dislikes compared to 5,000 likes.

Frontline is in development at Ubisoft Bucharest. It is a large-scale PvP shooter that aims to honor the franchise’s tactical legacy while transitioning to a first-person multiplayer shooter experience. 100 players on teams of three try to find intel and extract it while facing off against other teams.

For lots more, check out GameSpot’s Ghost Recon: Frontline breakdown of everything you need to know.

About Eddie Makuch

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