Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon franchise is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and for a limited time, Ubisoft is giving away both the original game and some DLC for more recent entries in the series.
From October 5-11, you can claim a free copy of the original Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon for PC alongside the Fallen Ghosts DLC for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands and the Deep State Adventure for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint. All the giveaways can either be claimed directly through the Ubisoft Connect launcher on PC or via a giveaway page, where you can choose your platform of choice should you want the Wildlands DLC for Xbox One , PlayStation 4, Stadia, or on the Epic Games Store. The original Ghost Recon is only available on PC.
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The process is a little different when it comes to accessing the Deep State Adventure DLC. To claim the Breakpoint DLC, you’ll need to actually boot up the game on your platform of choice, navigate to the expansion tab in the in-game store, and purchase the Deep State Adventure DLC for 0 Ghost Coins. You’ll need to own a copy of Wildlands or Breakpoint in order to access the free DLC.
Ubisoft also announced a new, free-to-play, battle royale-focused multiplayer entry in the series, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Frontline, as part of the franchise’s anniversary celebration. Unlike many more recent games in the franchise, Ghost Recon: Frontline will be in first-person, as teams of players battle it out to find crucial intel and extract from the battlefield before it’s too late. Ghost Recon: Frontlines does not currently have a release date, but interested players in Europe can sign up for a chance to participate in an upcoming closed test for the game.