Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Remaster Release Date Set For June

Just before the Capcom Showcase began, an updated listing for the Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective remaster revealed the game’s launch date as June 29.

The game will launch for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC for $30. This remaster marks the first time the game will appear on home consoles, as it was originally released in 2011 for Nintendo DS before being ported to iOS devices.

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The Steam listing was updated just before the Capcom Showcase, which is slated to include news on Resident Evil 4 Remake, Exoprimal, Mega Man Battle Network Collection, Street Fighter 6, and more.

In Ghost Trick, you play as a ghost named Sissel who can switch between the world of the living and the dead, a trick they use to save the lives of others. Most of the gameplay is centered around Sissel’s power of possession, which allows him to manipulate the world around him in order to affect the living in the scene. Each chapter relives the final four minutes of a person’s life, and Sissel must do his best to ensure events don’t result in a death.

In GameSpot’s Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective review, Carolyn Petit wrote, “Ghost Trick is one of the most original and compelling puzzle-oriented adventure games to come along in recent years. Nearly every facet of the game is outstanding: the unique gameplay concept and the puzzles you solve, the great characters and dialogue, the terrific animation and visual design, and the strange mystery, full of surprising twists and shocking revelations, whose threads all come together in a memorable and rewarding conclusion.”

About Jason Fanelli

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