Ghostrunner Sequel In Development For PS5, Xbox Series X, And PC

Publisher 505 Games has announced that a sequel to Ghostrunner is in development for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. The publisher did not share a release window for the upcoming game, but it did confirm that One More Level, the studio behind the original title, is developing Ghostrunner 2.

In a press release, 505 announced it is doubling its investment for the sequel and contributing an “initial budget” of €5 million (about $6 million USD) for its development. “Ghostrunner is a brand with great potential, capable of contributing for a long time to the 505 Games product portfolio,” the publisher said.

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“We are particularly excited about the future release of Ghostrunner 2. Together with One More Level, we have created a thrilling and engaging video game,” Raffaele Galante, co-CEO of 505’s parent company, Digital Bros., said in the press release.

The original Ghostrunner launched in October 2020 and has been a big commercial success for 505 Games, selling more than 600,000 copies across PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. The game is slated to release on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S by the end of this year.

Ghostrunner has also earned positive reviews from critics. GameSpot scored it a 7/10 and called it a “a hard-charging parkour climb” in our Ghostrunner review. “When Ghostrunner rips, it really rips. Wall-running, jumping, sliding, and cutting through enemies as you go is empowering and impressive,” critic Mike Epstein wrote.

About Kevin Knezevic

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