God Of War Ragnarok Is Still On Track For Release This Year, Dev Assures Fans

Earlier this week, Sony Santa Monica gave a brief update on God of War Ragnarok, but the studio did not flat-out say the game remains on track for release in 2022. That being the case, some wondered if the PS4 and PS5 game has shifted to next year–but it has not.

Someone on Twitter asked Ragnarok animation director Bruno Velazquez for reassurance that the game is still on track for release in 2022, and Velazquez confirmed, “Ragnarok is coming this year.” (via VGC)

Developer Cory Barlog gave an update on Raganrok earlier this week, saying everyone on the team is “heads-down, hard at work” on the project.

“We are perfectionists,” Barlog said, adding that he hopes to be able to share more updates and insights into Ragnarok as soon as possible. “We don’t want to hold any of this back. So please, hold tight–know that something cool is coming,” he said.

Ragnarok was apparently originally going to launch in 2021, but Kratos actor Christopher Judge suffered an injury in 2019 that reportedly led to a delay to 2022.

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For more, check out GameSpot’s roundup of everything we know about God of War Ragnarok, which is the final entry in the God of War Norse saga. It’s in the works for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

About Eddie Makuch

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