God Of War Ragnarok Release Date Confirmed For November, New Trailer Released

We finally know when God of War Ragnarok is coming out: Sony today confirmed Ragnarok’s release date on PS4 and PS5 as November 9, 2022, making good on the repeated reassurances that it would be available this year. The long-awaited release date was announced as part of a short new CG trailer, which you can watch below. It shows Kratos and Atreus squaring off against various foes and talking about not being alone, before squaring off against what appears to be Fenrir.

Alongside the news, Sony also revealed that God of War Ragnarok preorders will go live on July 15 (starting at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET for those in the United States) and showcased some of the special editions that will be available. Preordering any edition will get you a set of snow-themed items for Kratos and Atreus to wear.

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Now Playing: God of War Ragnarok Official Release Date Cinematic Trailer

As for different editions of the game, there will be four versions of Ragnarok available for purchase: standard, Digital Deluxe, Collector’s, and Jotnar editions. The latter three all include access to both the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game; if you buy the standard PS4 edition, you’ll have the option of a $10 upgrade to get the PS5 version. Prices for these editions has not yet been announced, but the Jotnar edition in particular looks like a high-priced option, as it includes a vinyl record, pin set, cloth map, a 16-inch Mjolnir replica, and more.

Ragnarok was previously confirmed to be releasing in 2022 for PS4 and PS5 after it was delayed last year. A ratings board listing in South Korea recently suggested that the Sony Santa Monica-developed action game is indeed approaching the finish line, although Sony had yet to offer a more specific release date. Cory Barlog, who directed the previous game in the series, gave an update on the project in April, saying the developers are “perfectionists” and are “heads-down, hard at work.” Since then, developers at the studio have been harassed over the lack of a release date, with reports that it was set to be announced in late June.

There’s still a lot we don’t know about Ragnarok, though it is a direct sequel to 2018’s God of War and continues the story of Kratos and Atreus as they deal with the fury of the Norse gods. It’ll wrap up this Norse chapter of the franchise, as Sony Santa Monica wanted to avoid having this portion of the story from getting too unwieldy. For more, check out everything we know about God of War Ragnarok.

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