God Of War Ragnarok: Where To Get Frozen Flame And Chaos Flame

In God of War Ragnarok, crafting Kratos’ more expansive arsenal takes a dizzying number of different materials as the game goes on, but Frozen Flame and Chaos Flame are thankfully much more consistent, even if it’s a bit tricky as to how you can find more of them. Frozen Flame upgrades Kratos’ Leviathan Axe, while Chaos Flame upgrades his signature Blades of Chaos, and though these upgrade opportunities are crucial, it’s not immediately obvious how or where to get more of them. Here’s an explainer to help you keep Kratos hacking and slashing at peak performance.

Where to get Frozen Flame and Chaos Flame in God of War Ragnarok

Of the many different crafting resources you’ll come across in God of War Ragnarok, Chaos Flame and Frozen Flame are both among the rarest–but they’re surprisingly simple to find once you get the hang of it. Both of these items markedly improve your primary weapons, and as a result, both crafting resources are dropped only after specific mission progress. Therefore, they can’t be farmed to overlevel Kratos’ arsenal. You’ll need to play through the story and side quests to earn Frozen Flame and Chaos Flame drops at the pace Sony Santa Monica intended.

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There is one added wrinkle to this, however. Naturally, you’d not want to miss any drops given how rare these items will be in the 20+ hour story, so be sure to routinely check in with Brok and Sindri at crafting stations and open the large chest that always sits nearby. Inside will be any drops you may have left lingering in any of the nine realms. This makes it so even if you forget to pick something up, you’ll never lose it permanently. If you think you’ve just gotten past a difficult boss battle and should’ve earned a Frozen Flame or Chaos Flame, check the chest near any of Brok and Sindri’s smithing stations. It’s possible you did earn more, and you just happened to miss them.

For more on one of the year’s best games, check out our tips for new players, as well as our glowing God of War Ragnarok review.

About Mark Delaney

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