Gold Monster Hunter Amiibo Just Became Collectors' Worst Nightmare

Amiibo collectors may be disappointed to find out that the latest Monster Hunter Rise inspired figurines coming soon will likely be pretty hard to get your hands on. Capcom has partnered with 7-Eleven convenience stores in Japan to give away a special, limited-edition set of golden Amiibo inspired by the upcoming Monster Hunter Rise.

Certain Amiibo being hard to find isn’t exactly new (remember Mega Yarn Yoshi?), but these gilded guys may present a greater challenge as they’re not only geographically locked to Japan, they also have to be won in a contest. To win, fans will need to pick up a download card for Monster Hunter RIse at participating Japanese 7-Eleven stores starting on January 25. Buying one of these download cards provides an automatic entry to the contest. Fans will have until April 25 to do so.

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So far, we’re still in the dark regarding several details about these golden Amiibo, including what they’re actually going to look like. The art that has been floated around so far is only a concept; the final designs have yet to be released. It’s also currently unclear how many of the limited edition Monster Hunter toys will actually be produced for the contest.

Those who play and don’t end up winning the golden Amiibo will still get a consolation prize: a pretty cute Monster Hunter Rise x 7-Eleven digital wallpaper.

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Additionally, Capcom will also be selling standard Monster Hunter Rise-inspired Amiibo sets, featuring a Palico, a Palamute, and a Magnamalo. Using the Amiibo will unlock gear based on Monster Hunter Rise’s flagship monster for your hunters, Palicos, and Palamutes. Players will be able to snag these from GameStop in the US and EB games in Canada once the game launches on March 26. The Magnamalo figure will also come with the Collector’s Edition of Monster Hunter Rise. If you’re looking to snag one of these, check out our preorder guide.

About Ty Galiz-Rowe

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