Google Stadia Getting More Than 100 Games In 2021

Google may have shuttered its internal development studios, but the technology giant’s Stadia streaming service is still getting lots and lots of games in the future. In a blog post, the company confirmed it has “more than 100 games” coming to the Stadia store in 2021.

There will be a wide range of titles from developers big and small, across numerous genres, coming to Stadia throughout the year. Some of the ones on the immediate horizon include Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition (February 23), FIFA 21 (March 17), and Judgment (April 23). Killer Queen Black, Street Power Football, and Hellpoint are also on the way with unspecified dates, along with dozens and dozens more titles throughout 2021.

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Now Playing: The Rise And Fall Of Stadia Games And Entertainment

Earlier in February, Google made the surprise announcement that it was closing its two game development studios, with 150 jobs impacted.

In a blog post from industry veteran and head of Stadia, Phil Harrison, the executive said Google is focusing on fleshing out Stadia’s technology and will back away from actually developing games for it.

Given our focus on building on the proven technology of Stadia as well as deepening our business partnerships, we’ve decided that we will not be investing further in bringing exclusive content from our internal development team SG&E, beyond any near-term planned games,” the statement said. “Over the coming months, most of the SG&E team will be moving on to new roles. We’re committed to working with this talented team to find new roles and support them.”

The Stadia and Stadia Pro platforms will remain operational in the wake of this news. “You can continue playing all your games on Stadia and Stadia Pro, and we’ll continue to bring new titles from third parties to the platform,” Google said. “We’re committed to the future of cloud gaming, and will continue to do our part to drive this industry forward. Our goal remains focused on creating the best possible platform for gamers and technology for our partners, bringing these experiences to life for people everywhere.”

For lots more on Stadia and its history, check out GameSpot’s feature video above, The Rise and Fall of Stadia Games and Entertainment.

About Eddie Makuch

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