Gotham Knights' Harley Quinn And Clayface Revealed, Plus New October 21 Release Date

At Gamescom 2022, developer WB Games Montréal released a new trailer for Gotham Knights which focuses on the villains that Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl, and Robin will go up against in the game. The trailer reveals WB Games Montréal’s redesigned takes on Harley Quinn and Clayface, both of whom are terrorizing Gotham alongside the likes of Mr. Freeze and the Court of Owls.

The trailer ends with the reveal that Gotham Knight’s release date has actually moved up, which is a nice surprise after so many games in 2022 have been delayed. Previously scheduled for October 25, Gotham Knights will now launch on October 21 for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC.

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Now Playing: Gotham Knights Villains Trailer | Gamescom ONL 2022

Gotham Knights picks up following the death of Batman, forcing Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl, and Robin to take up his mission. Operating outside the Belfry with Alfred, the four vigilantes will need to make new allies in the Gotham City Police Department and go up against some of Batman’s greatest villains. Their fight will ultimately lead to the discovery of the Court of Owls.

In designing Gotham Knights, WB Games Montréal specifically wanted Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, and Tim Drake to be the four playable characters in the game. Gotham Knights doesn’t use Stephanie Brown or Damian Wayne’s Robin because Tim can better explore what it means for a Robin to lose their Batman, and Barbara and Jason are in the game to finally explore the shared history of trauma between Batgirl and Red Hood and how that connects the two of them to Batman in a way many others can’t.

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About Jordan Ramée

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