GTA 5 Reaches 160 Million Copies Sold, As RDR 2 Climbs To 43 Million

Take-Two, the parent company of Rockstar Games, has announced new sales numbers for Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption II, and both games continue to soar.

As part of Take-Two’s latest earnings briefing, the company announced that GTA V has now sold a breathtaking 160 million copies since it originally launched in 2013. The entire franchise, meanwhile, has surpassed 370 million units sold.

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Take-Two boasted that GTA V reached $1 billion in retail sales faster than any entertainment release–across gaming or any other industry–in history. It’s also the best-selling game of the past decade in the US for both unit and dollar sales.

GTA V will keep growing, as Rockstar is releasing the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on March 15. Recently, Rockstar began to discuss what fans can expect from the new version, including 4K/60fps support.

The base game is just one factor in GTA V’s success. The game’s popular and lucrative GTA Online multiplayer mode is still thriving, and Take-Two said Rockstar’s commitment to regularly updating the game to keep things fresh has been one of the reasons for its ongoing success.

A standalone version of GTA Online will be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on March 15 as well, and PlayStation players can download it free for the first three months.

Also during the call, Take-Two announced that Rockstar’s other big game, Red Dead Redemption II, has now sold about 43 million copies. The entire series has moved 65 million units, which means the original Red Dead Redemption sold around 22 million copies.

In other news, Rockstar just recently confirmed that GTA 6 is in development and is “well underway.”

Best GTA Games: Counting Down The Grand Theft Auto Series From Worst To BestSee More

About Eddie Makuch

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