GTA 5's Big Bounty Hunter Update Out Now As Rockstar Teases Unexpected Future Feature

The next major update for Grand Theft Auto Online–Bottom Dollar Bounties–is out today on console and PC. The update is themed around bounty-hunting, and even features the first physical appearance of Maude Eccles in GTA Online. Rockstar also teased an unexpected feature coming in the future: the ability to become a scooter-riding pizza delivery driver.

Players will meet up with Maude and her daughter, Jenette, as they take on a series of bounty missions involving tracking down some of the most wanted people in San Andreas. “Become just the type of agent of justice the state needs by tracking down and hauling in these dangerous miscreants–utilizing everything from ruthless intimidation tactics to thwarting further criminal activity,” reads a line from the expansion’s description.

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Now Playing: GTA Online: Bottom Dollar Bounties Out Now

Maude will contact players and then call on them to capture a foreclosed building and then access a computer that shows four potential targets: three standard targets and one “most wanted” target. Players can use their safe house to hold captured targets, store money in a safe, and stash their cars.

The standard targets are “garden variety lowlifes,” but the most wanted targets are the “upper echelon of criminal scum,” including CEOs, movie stars, and street racers. Players can complete the most wanted targets once per day, while standard targets are available all the time.

Players are rewarded more handsomely for capturing targets alive, and Rockstar advised players to use non-lethal force and measures, like the stun gun.

The update also adds new “off-the-books” missions that players can take part in from LSPD officer Vincent Effenburger. However, players need to first complete the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid to access the law enforcement vehicles required for the new missions.

Beyond all this, the Bottom Dollar update adds new vehicles like the Enus Paragon S and the Bollokan Envisage, both of which are be modified furrher. Other new vehicles include the Ubermach Niobe, the Annis Euros X32, the Invetero Coquette D1, and the Declasse Yosemite 1500.

Additionally, drift tuning can now be added to the Vulcar Nebula Turbo, the Ubermacht Cypher, and the Ubermach Sentinel Classic Widebody to help players zip around Los Santos in style.

The update also introduces new features for GTA+ subscribers, including the Vinewood Club app that allows players to request vehicles, claim earnings, or even replenish ammo reserves on the go. Additionally, members get access to a special garage for their cars, while they can also now grab the new Overflod Pipistrello vehicle a week before everyone else. GTA+, which also includes access to a rotating library of free Rockstar titles, recently got a significant price increase.

What’s more, the Bottom Dollar update includes heftier payouts for activities like Open Wheel races, Taxi work, Lowriders missions, and Casino Story missions, among others. For the creative types, players can now make their own drift and drag races using an editor toolsuite.

Looking ahead, Rockstar said a future update this summer will add a new vehicle, the Pegassi Pizza Boy scooter, that will allow players to become a pizza delivery driver helping the hungry citizens of Los Santos stay satisfied.

Rockstar also teased that its annual 4th of July celebration is coming back this year, along with a Halloween event in North Yankton’s Ludendorff cemetery later this year. Rockstar is also releasing a new “multi-stage head-to-head” mode, a new heist challenge, and other features for the game this summer “and beyond.”

Many are wondering how GTA Online and GTA+ may factor in to GTA VI, which is set for release in 2025. That remains to be seen, but hopes are high, given some believe GTA VI could be the most important video game launch in history.

June 25 GTA Online Patch Notes:

As shared by Rockstar Games on its website

Bail Enforcement Office

Purchasing this business provides new ways for players to earn money through bounty huntingBail Enforcement Office owners can hunt down new bounty targets, securing them alive to be processed or eliminated and delivered to the Los Santos County Coroner OfficeEach day a Most Wanted target will be identified with a large bounty on their head. Three other standard targets will become available every hour.Secured bounty targets are processed over time in the Bail Enforcement Office’s holding cell. Upon completion, cash will be added to the player’s wallet.Bail Enforcement Office owners can purchase Agents that can be sent out to complete their own work, adding cash to the owner’s safe upon completion Agents will also reduce the amount of time taken to process secured bounty targetsThe Bail Enforcement Office can be customized with a range of styles and includes a bounty transporter van, which can be upgraded with Armor Plating and used in FreemodeThis property comes with new Awards as well as Career Progress Challenges on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles

Dispatch Work

Players that own a Law Enforcement personal vehicle can access a new range of Freemode Dispatch Work provided by VincentWhile driving an owned Law Enforcement personal vehicle in Freemode, players can request Dispatch Work from Vincent directly or wait until Vincent contacts themPlayers can find applicable Law Enforcement Vehicles on Warstock Cache & CarryDispatch Work cannot be accessed when part of an Organization or Motorcycle Club


Nine new vehicles have been added:

Enus Paragon S (Sports) – With Imani TechBollokan Envisage (Sports) – With Imani TechÜbermacht Niobe (Sports) – With HSW Upgrade (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S only)Annis Euros X32 (Coupe) – With HSW Upgrade (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S only)Invetero Coquette D1 (Sports Classic)Declasse Yosemite 1500 (Off-Road)Declasse Impaler SZ Cruiser (Emergency) – Law Enforcement VehicleBravado Dorado Cruiser (Emergency) – Law Enforcement VehicleBravado Greenwood Cruiser (Emergency) – Law Enforcement Vehicle

Three existing vehicles are also receiving custom Drift Tuning upgrades, these can be applied to personal vehicles inside the LS Car Meet:

Vulcar Nebula Turbo (Sports Classic) This vehicle is again available for sale on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos websiteÜbermacht Cypher (Sports)Übermacht Sentinel Widebody (Sports)

Economy Updates

Base GTA$ payout rates for the following content have been increased:

A Superyacht Life (Contact Missions)Lamar’s Lowriders (Contact Missions)Operation Paper Trail (Contact Missions)Casino Story (Contact Missions)Gerald’s Last Play (Contact Missions)Madrazo Dispatch Services (Contact Missions)Premium Deluxe Repo Work (Contact Missions)Project Overthrow (Contact Missions)Open Wheel Races (Races)Taxi Work (Freemode)


150+ pieces of male clothing and accessories have been added to clothing stores200+ pieces of female clothing and accessories have been added to clothing stores

Experience Improvements

Several business Sell Missions have had their timers increased by 50% when launched solo: All Biker businessesBunker businessThe armor values of the Sparrow and RM-10 Bombushka have been increased by 50%Players’ snack inventories are now fully restocked upon launching Contact missions and Heists from lobbiesThe button prompts upon failing a mission have been updatedDrag Races can now be played over a series of roundsMultiple texts and emails sent to players have been spaced out over longer periods of time or removedPlayers can now move an owned Avenger between their Hangar and Facility storage via the Interaction MenuThe minimum player count required to launch the Assault on Cayo Perico mode has been increased from 4 to 8 playersAn advanced options menu has been added to the Race Lobby Menu, containing many of the least used race optionsThe Music Locker Strobes section of the Interaction Menu has been moved to the Pause MenuThe Nightclub and Office Garage menus have been divided into separate sub menus when requesting vehicles from the MechanicThe rank requirement for purchasing properties has been removedA new starting grid option has been added when playing races in a series, sorting players based on their positions in the previous raceA link to the Community Guidelines has been added to the Welcome screen and other select alert screensCustom Arena War vehicle names are now only visible to the local player

GTA+ Updates

The Vinewood Club App

GTA+ Members have access to a new phone app, which grants a range of features: Claiming the earnings from owned business safes remotelyPurchasing ammo without paying a convenience chargeRequesting and purchasing Car Club vehicles has been moved to this app

The Vinewood Club Garage Vehicle Workshop

A Vehicle Workshop has been added to the Vinewood Club Garage, allowing players to modify their stored vehicles at an exclusive 10% discount

Creator Updates

Several updates have been added to the Creator as part of this update

Drag and Drift Race Creators

Players with an LS Car Meet membership can now create their own Drag and Drift races inside the Creator


Ambient weather options are now implemented when players take a photo for their created modeThe RUNE Zhaba is now available as an Off-Road vehicle option in the Creator

Race Creator

Additional units have been added to the Race Creator, these are placed scenarios that can consist of people and vehicles People: Race crowds of 1–5 people, previously only larger crowds were availableA photographer taking photos of the raceVehicles: Lowrider vehicle using hydraulicsA car doing a donutA car doing a burnoutThe existing race crowd units can now stand in a range of different posesRace crowds can now be triggered to cheer and wave when a player gets closeWhen testing a Race, players can choose which checkpoint to start testing fromFlaming barrel props can now have their color changedPlayers can now preview different audio tracks while in the Race Creator

Prop Additions

Additional small stunt track props have been addedAdditional track smoothing props have been addedRoad paddle props have been added


The Bottom Dollar Bounties update brings a range of fixes to various issues

Game Stability and Performance

Fixed multiple crashes and issues affecting stability that occurred in GTAV

Matchmaking and Networking

Fixed multiple issues that affected network stability in GTA Online


Fixed an issue that resulted in destroyed Signal Jammer collectibles being tracked incorrectlyFixed an issue that resulted in players not unlocking the Skull Santa finish for the Special Carbine upon winning five games of Entourage (Festive Remix)Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to start Lowriders missions after completing them on a different characterFixed an issue that resulted in players not being unable to drop cargo during Special Cargo Sell MissionsFixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to progress after completing VIP Contract prep mission – Data RecoveryFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to progress through Casino Work – Best Laid Plans shortly after launchingFixed an issue that resulted in unowned vehicles appearing in the personal vehicle space of Salvage YardsFixed an issue that resulted in players having access to their owned weapons when playing Short Trips – Seed CapitalFixed an issue that resulted in enemy blips not appearing during The McTony Robbery – Sonar Equipment missionFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to launch Tow Truck Service missionsFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to progress when playing A Superyacht Life – IcebreakerFixed an issue that resulted in planes falling to the floor during Air Race countdownsFixed an issue that resulted in other players’ Kosatkas interfering with the Cargo Ship during The Cargo Ship RobberyFixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in an air vent during The Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid – Concealed WeaponsFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to swap inventories during The Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid – Concealed WeaponsFixed an issue that resulted in players respawning outside of the factory during The Cluckin’ Bell Raid – Scene of the CrimeFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to progress through The Cayo Perico Heist Finale when the leader has diedFixed an issue that resulted in players transforming into a land vehicle during a flying section of Transform RacesFixed an issue that resulted in players coming to an immediate stop upon passing a checkpoint during Transform RacesFixed an issue that resulted in the race countdown not starting during Transform RacesFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the Interaction Menu during The Pacific Standard Job – ConvoyFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to progress after leaving Mason’s apartment during Operation Paper Trail – IntelligenceFixed an issue that resulted in P Moss taking off without players inside the Avenger during Operation Overthrow – Unconventional WarfareFixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to finish The Podium Robbery – Scope OutFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to request personal vehicles during LSA Operation – Direct ActionFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to lose their wanted level during The Doomsday Heist – Setup: Server FarmFixed an issue that resulted in hacking minigames being more difficult when playing on ultrawide screen setupsFixed an issue that resulted in Hao’s Special Works Time Trial not appearing for players that haven’t completed itFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to send photos to Pavel during The Cayo Perico Heist – Scope OutFixed an issue that resulted in the mission not progressing after delivering the two lowriders back to Lamar during Lowriders – Peace OfferingsFixed an issue that resulted in incorrect prompts to leave the Avenger appearing when entering an owned Thruster during Project Overthrow – Reporting for DutyFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to obtain the VIP pass during The Duggan Robbery – VIP PassFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to send photos to Jamal during The Gangbanger Robbery – Scope OutFixed an issue that resulted in players leaving their F-160 Raiju during Project Overthrow – On ParadeFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to pick up snowballs during Snowball Fight DeathmatchesFixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when interacting with Street DealersFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to complete Terrorbyte Client Job – Robbery in ProgressFixed an issue that resulted in weapons given during Hot Swap Deathmatches not persisting when returning to Freemode


Fixed an issue that resulted in stolen vehicles disappearing after completing a successful Salvage Yard RobberyFixed an issue that resulted in the roulette game inside The Diamond Casino getting stuckFixed an issue that resulted players’ Tow Truck disappearing from the Salvage YardFixed an issue that prevented players from entering an Auto Shop with no vehicle slots remainingFixed an issue that resulted in CEOs being unable to enter their Agency while an Executive Search is activeFixed an issue that resulted in players becoming stuck when attempting to enter a Nightclub in a vehicleFixed an issue that resulted in players not entering their Acid Lab when selecting “enter with nearby friends and crew” inside the FreakshopFixed an issue that resulted in players not sitting up from their Agency office chairFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to interact with the Drone Station inside ArcadesFixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after interacting with the Shiny Wasabi Kitty Claw machine inside an ArcadeFixed an issue that resulted in the Auto Shop 5% discount not being applied to Wheel Type and Wheel ColorFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to mod personal vehicles inside their Auto ShopFixed an issue that resulted in vehicles colliding with each other when multiple players were modding vehicles in the same Auto ShopFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to leave their Motorcycle Club Clubhouse on a personal vehicleFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to interact with the laptop inside their BunkerFixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when leaving Hao’s Special Works inside the LS Car MeetFixed an issue that resulted in players’ personal vehicles becoming invisible when leaving the Test Track inside the LS Car MeetFixed an issue that resulted in players spawning far away when leaving the LS Car MeetFixed an issue that resulted in personal vehicle blips not appearing on the map when another player is test driving a vehicle inside the LS Car MeetFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to get a makeover inside the Spa of their Diamond Casino PenthouseFixed an issue that resulted in players being able to move while using the Place Decorations Menu inside their Diamond Casino PenthouseFixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when attempting to enter their Diamond Casino Penthouse from FreemodeFixed an issue that resulted in the Acid Lab not appearing inside the FreakshopFixed an issue that resulted in the Tow Truck not appearing inside the Salvage Yard after purchaseFixed an issue that resulted in players being unexpectedly kicked out when driving another player’s vehicle in the LS Car Meet Test TrackFixed an issue that resulted in players not being registered as a CEO or MC Leader after purchasing an Office or Motorcycle Clubhouse for the first timeFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access their Nightclub PC


Fixed an issue that resulted in BMX bikes behaving differently when bunny hoppingFixed an issue that resulted in incorrect speeds being displayed during Highest Speed Freemode EventsFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to request their Avenger in FreemodeFixed an issue that resulted in Suspension mods not being available for the Karin Asterope GZFixed an issue that resulted in custom license plates for vehicles claimed from the Salvage Yard not persistingFixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to see the tracers of the F-160 Raiju’s cannonsFixed an issue that resulted in the camera clipping through the Avenger when modding a vehicle insideFixed an issue that resulted in players with no owned garages losing their personal vehicleThe Declasse Impaler SZ’s vehicle class has been updated from Sedan to Muscle


Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing ammo when joining a new sessionFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to change gears during Drag Races when using alternative control typesFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the Cockpit Access settings for the Avenger in the Interaction MenuFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to swap outfits via the Interaction Menu when wearing full body outfitsFixed an issue that resulted in event exclusive weapon liveries that had been previously earned being unavailableFixed an issue that resulted in players gaining negative amounts of body armor when purchasing from AmmunationFixed an issue that resulted in the Snowball Launcher weapon being unusable when on a MotorcycleFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to use snacks or equip armor via the weapon wheelFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to add Stunt Races to a PlaylistFixed an issue that resulted in players being able to see under the map when spectating a player in their KosatkaFixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to use the default name “An Organization” when creating an Organization for the first timeFixed an issue that resulted in SFX previews not playing when editing clips in the Rockstar EditorFixed an issue that resulted in TVs in owned apartments not showing anything

PlayStation Specific

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to accept invites to GTA Online after purchasing PlayStation Plus with GTAV running

Xbox Specific

Fixed an issue that resulted in the Xbox keyboard continuously appearing after editing an owned garage tooltip

PC Specific

Fixed numerous issues relating to stability and security

PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S Only

Fixed an issue that resulted in GTA+ alerts triggering during a Race and bringing the player’s vehicle to a sudden stop.Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when moving vehicles via the Vehicle Organization MenuFixed an issue that resulted in GTA+ Members being unable to enter The Vinewood Club Garage with their personal vehicle when part of an Organization or Motorcycle Club


Fixed an issue that resulted in conflicting button inputs when using the Override Position Menu on PCFixed an issue that resulted in Trap to Activate options under Arena props not being able to be toggled when placedFixed an issue that resulted in Trailer Units being unable to be placedFixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when testing a King of the Hill modeGTA Online: How To Beat The Cluckin' Bell Farm RaidSee More

About Eddie Makuch

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