GTA 6 Leaker May Now Be The Target Of An FBI Investigation

The hacker who allegedly breached Uber’s security is under investigation by the FBI, according to Uber’s blog post. This same group, named Lapsus$, was also mentioned in the post as potentially being responsible for leaking Rockstar’s GTA 6 development footage. However, Uber did not independently verify this and referenced external reports.

“We are in close coordination with the FBI and US Department of Justice on this matter and will continue to support their efforts,” Uber wrote. Lapsus$ also allegedly was behind the data breaches at Microsoft, Samsung, Nvidia, and other companies in 2022.

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According to Uber, Lapsus$ gained access to an Uber contractor’s account by purchasing the compromised password on the dark web. Lapsus$ then repeatedly attempted to login and triggered the two-factor authentication until the contractor approved one such request.

Rockstar confirmed that the GTA 6 footage leaked is legitimate and released an official statement. “We recently suffered a network intrusion,” Rockstar said. “At this time, we do not anticipate any disruption to our live game services nor any long-term effect on the ongoing development of our projects.”

The industry rallied around Rockstar and criticized the leak of a developmental build. Many studios also posted what their own games looked like during development, in response the growing discourse around how a game changes from inception to the final product.

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About Jenny Zheng

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