GTA+ April 2022 Benefits: Is It Worth It?

Rockstar Games recently announced the launch of GTA+, a new subscription service for GTA Online. The optional service rewards paying subscribers with monthly items, cash, and other features not available to non-subscribers. The current monthly rate for a GTA+ subscription is $6 and it’s currently only available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

The inaugural month for GTA+ is April 2022, and Rockstar Games has included several rewards for the early adopters of the subscription. Players can claim their GTA+ rewards from now until April 27, at which point the next month’s rewards will be able to be claimed.

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Sticking with the inaugural month of April, there is a total of 10 rewards available from GTA+. Subscribers can claim these rewards if they go to the Settings menu, select the “GTA+” tab at the top, and then follow the payment instructions.

A rundown of the April 2022 rewards can be found below.

April 2022 GTA+ rewards

$500,000 delivered to your Maze Bank account (occurs every month)The Principe Deveste Eight, as well as the Hao’s Special Works upgrade, and free HSW Orange Trip and HSW CMYK Glitch Liveries. GTA+ subscribers receive this car before the general player base.La Mesa Auto Shop opens up, offering players new updates from Los Santos Tuners. Players can relocate their current Auto Shop to La Mesa for no additional charge.Waived LS Car Meet Membership fees. If new subscribers are current LS Car Meet members, they will be reimbursed $50,000.Current yacht owners can upgrade to the Aquarius Super Yacht at no additional charge.The Gussét Frog Tee and Broker Prolaps Basketball Top and Shorts delivered to your wardrobe.The Conveyor Livery for the Mammoth Avenger, HVY APC, and TM-02 Khanjali.Free paints and emblems for the Auto Shop.3X GTA$ and RP on Hao’s Special Works Race Series.2X Car Meet Rep on the Street Race Series.

In addition to these set rewards, GTA+ subscribers will also receive an assortment of exclusive rewards from shops such as Legendary Motorsport, DockTease, Maze Bank Foreclosures, and Hao’s Special Works. There will also be new GTA Shark Cards coming to the PS and Microsoft Stores that contain higher than normal cash values.

In terms of overall benefits, there’s a good bit to unpack here. GTA+ members are receiving upwards of two dozen rewards when the selection of paints, emblems, and other gifts from shops are included. The free upgrade from Hao’s Special Works and the ability for yacht owners to upgrade to the Aquarius Super Yacht are also nice perks, but might not be easily accessible for every player.

Is GTA+ worth it?

While the rewards for the month of April are worth far more than the $6 fee players are paying for them, the service isn’t going to be worth it for everyone. GTA Online has been live for close to a decade and veterans of the game will seemingly benefit more from the rewards than brand-new players.

The $500,000 per month and luxury car in the Principe Deveste Eight are nice ways to set up newcomers but they’ll need to put in dozens of hours to reap the full rewards in April. As an example, veterans are far more likely to already own a yacht than a player with a few hours in the game. This essentially means the free upgrade to the Aquarius Super Yacht is worthless until players first acquire a yacht.

If new players are planning to stick around in the online world of Los Santos for the long haul, then the GTA+ subscription seems to be worth it. The rewards can kickstart players for a small fee, giving them access to free clothes, cars, cosmetics, and cash on a monthly basis. However, at least in April, the rewards seem more tailored to veteran players that know how to fully take advantage of each bonus they’re receiving.

One attractive aspect about GTA+ for newcomers and veterans alike is that Rockstar allows the cancelation of a membership at any time. The company stated that if players cancel their subscription, they’ll still retain all of the rewards they’ve already claimed. This allows players to see if the $6 monthly fee is worth it to them personally while not relinquishing the bonuses they initially paid for.

For any player thinking about buying GTA V/Online for the new-gen consoles, now is a great time. The GTA V/GTA Online bundle costs $20 on Xbox Series X|S, with GTA Online alone costing $10. PlayStation 5 players can pick up the bundle for $10 and get GTA Online for free from now until June with an active PS Plus subscription.

About Joey Carr

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