GTA Online Brings Back Peyote, Lets You Transform Into A Cow

GTA Online will now let you become a wildlife photographer and get so high you transform.

Animals were recently added to the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 versions of GTA Online (they’ve been in the single player since launch). Now you can take photos of them to earn in-game rewards. In a new Daily Collectable called Wildlife Photography, you can take pictures of up to three different animals. Despite the name, animals included can be either domesticated or wild. Taking one picture for the challenge will unlock the ability to purchase the new Declasse Park Ranger. Taking 10 photo will unlock the vehicle’s trade price.

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In other animal news, you can find Peyote plants out in the wilds. Ingesting them will cause you to change shape into an animal like a deer or a cow. These will only be available for a limited time, just like prior times Peyote has been added to GTA Online. You can always use the plant in single player.

As for other modes and rewards, you can steal the Lampadati Casco, Enus Deity, and Vapid Ellie for Salvage Yard Robberies. Adjustments have been made to Payphone Hits. The payout for assassinations is lower, but the cooldown between hits has been reduced to 10 minutes. You can also earn 2X GTA$ and RP in Rockstar-created Stunt Races, Junk Energy Time Trials, and HAW Races through January 10.

Grand Theft Auto V will be leaving Game Pass later this month. The first trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI debuted early after a leak in December 2023.

You can read the full details of the update on Rockstar’s official website.

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About Grace Benfell

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