GTA Online: The Contract – New Weapons And Vehicles

GTA Online‘s latest update, The Contract, didn’t just add more ways for players to make money, but it also gave them some new toys to spend those newly accrued funds on. The free expansion comes with a suite of new vehicles and weapons, although not all of them can be acquired through the game’s usual online retailers.

The Contract update for GTA Online has added three weapons and seven vehicles for players to purchase. A full list of each can be found below.

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New weapons in GTA Online

Heavy RifleStun GunCompact EMP Launcher

New vehicles in GTA Online

Bravado Buffalo STXPfister AstronLampadati CinquemilaPegassi IgnusEnus JubileeEnus DeityDewbauchee Champion

Every vehicle listed above can be bought using the in-game phone and going to Legendary Motorsport, save for the Bravado Buffalo STX, which is found on Southern San Andreas Super Autos. If players purchase the Agency building’s Vehicle Workshop, an addition that costs $800,000, they can also upgrade the Champion, Buffalo STX, Deity, and Jubilee with special Imani Tech modifications. While they don’t make the cars faster, these upgrades add James Bond-approved tools to each, like mines, armor, and machine guns.

The new weapons introduced in The Contract are a different story. Players can head to their nearest Ammunation and buy the Heavy Rifle immediately for $430,000. The other two weapons are only available once the Armory upgrade for the Agency building is purchased for a whopping $720,000.

Once the Armory is purchased, players can buy both the Stun Gun and Compact EMP Launcher, along with customizations for both. Players can also purchase and customize the Heavy Rifle for a discount at their Agency’s Armory.

About Otto Kratky

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