GTA Online Update Fixes Submarine Glitch, Vehicle Merge Duping

A new update for Grand Theft Auto V has been released, although Rockstar has not officially detailed what it does for the base game or GTA Online. According to a report on Twitter, this resolves some significant glitches, including one where a submarine could be destroyed using a lone Molotov and another that allowed vehicles to be duplicated.

GTA Online’s expensive Kosatka submarine–added in the recent Cayo Perico Heist update–can be used as a base to set up heists or as a lumbering nuclear-powered vehicle. Considering it’s virtually immune to small-arms fire, it’s easy to imagine the owner’s anguish when a lone Molotov is more than enough to blow it out of the water. Thankfully, the new patch fixes the problem, according to a tweet from Rockstar sleuth Tez2.

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Aside from this, the dupe merge glitch, which allowed players to merge and duplicate vehicles, has also been patched out. This involved a complicated process (as outlined on Reddit) The update also makes some minor adjustments and fixes to freemode event spawns.

In other GTA news, a new NPC tech patent filed by Rockstar has people talking about GTA 6. Before any potential sequel happens, however, the company is also bringing the seven-year-old GTA V to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S later this year. PlayStation Plus subscribers playing on PlayStation 4 will receive cash bonuses in GTA Online every month until the mode hits Sony’s next-gen console.

About Richard Wakeling

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