GTA Online's Adds Extra Casino Rewards In Weekly Update

GTA Online has received another update this morning, and casino goers should be ecstatic. The Diamond Casino & Resort is having a sale of sorts, and players can dial up Ms. Agatha Baker to get started this week.

Any type of Casino Work is handing out triple the GTA$ and RP all week long in addition to extra GTA$ rewards for certain missions. If players complete House Keeping, they’ll earn an extra $100K. Completing Cashing Out earns an extra $200K while any of Agatha’s off-the-book missions also yield an extra $200K. These extra rewards will be delivered within 72 hours of completion. In addition to that, players can score discounts on a wide-ranging number of casino items, such as 40% off of Arcade properties and customizations to the Penthouse. Of course, there’s more to take advantage of this week than just spending time in and around the casino.

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The update this week also deals out double GTA$ and RP on Overtime Shootout, Open Wheel Races, and Gerald’s Last Play Contact Missions. Overtime Shootout has players flying their cars off a ramp and then parachuting down onto small platforms on the ground. Open Wheel Races are F1-type races that force players to use KERS boosts to maneuver around the track. Finally, Gerald’s Last Contact Missions involve players helping Gerald fend off the Marabunta Grande gang and bikers.

With the extra rewards aside, players can move onto the vehicle side of the update. This week’s Prize Ride is the Übermacht Zion Classic, which players can unlock by placing top 5 in LS Car Meet Races for three consecutive days. If players want to return to the casino, they can take their chances on the Lucky Wheel and try to earn the newest grand prize, the Dinka Sugoi. For players that just want to try out some new cars, they can visit the LS Car Meet and test drive the Progen Emerus, Truffade Thrax, and Vysser Neo. These vehicles are also on discount this week if players feel they like the cars enough. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S users also have access to the new Hao’s Premium Test Ride, the Pfister Astron Custom.

Finally, there are the new discounts available in GTA Online. These discounts end on July 18.

Progen Emerus – 30% offTruffade Thrax – 30% offVysser Neo – 30% offVapid Caracara 4×4 – 30% offAnnis Hellion – 30% offVulcar Nebula Turbo – 30% offMaxwell Vagrant – 30% offLampadati Komoda – 30% offNagasaki Outlaw – 30% offÜbermacht Rebla GTS – 30% off

GTA+ members also have a new slate of rewards available to them this month, including:

The Penthouse at The Diamond Casino & ResortThe Ocelot Locust sports carFree clothing and accessories2X GTA$ on Standard Time Trials and 4X Rewards on The Data Leaks1.5X GTA$ for completing The Contract FinaleAdditional Member BonusesBest GTA Games: Counting Down The Grand Theft Auto Series From Worst To BestSee More

About Joey Carr

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