GTA The Trilogy Definitive Edition Patches Are Coming, Original Games Being Reinstated On PC

Rockstar Games has released a statement in which it apologized for the ongoing issues with GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition and promised that further updates are coming to improve the experience for everyone. Rockstar also announced plans to reinstate the original versions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas on PC, while it asked fans to stop harassing its developers on social media.

“We want to sincerely apologize to everyone who has encountered issues playing these games,” Rockstar said in its statement. “The Grand Theft Auto series–and the games that make up this iconic trilogy–are as special to us as we know they are to fans around the world. The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect.”

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Rockstar said it has “ongoing plans” to address the technical issues with each game, and the developer is hopeful that all three games will eventually “reach the level of quality that they deserve to be.”

In the coming days, Rockstar will release a new title update for each of the three games that contains improvements for “a number of issues.” The patch notes have not been released yet.

Rockstar also said in its statement that it is saddened to hear that people are lashing out and harassing the studio’s developers across social media in the wake of the issues. “We would kindly ask our community to please maintain a respectful and civil discourse around this release as we work through these issues,” Rockstar said.

Finally, Rockstar said it will reinstate the original versions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas on the Rockstar Store in a bundle “shortly.” The games were delisted ahead of the Definitive Editions release, on both PC and console. Rockstar did not say if they will return to console, however.

Everyone who purchases The Definitive Edition on PC through June 30, 2022 will get the classic GTA games through the Rockstar Games Launcher for free.

The Definitive Edition comes with updated versions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas featuring better visuals, refrigerators borrowed from GTA V, and GTA V-style controls.

While Rockstar works on official updates, modders have begun to create their own fixes for the game’s visual issues and other problems. GameSpot’s Definitive Edition review scored the game a 4/10 and called out its various graphical issues.

According to a report, if the GTA re-releases perform well, Rockstar might remaster Red Dead Redemption next. Take-Two’s Karl Slatoff recently outlined Take-Two’s position on remasters, saying it’s all about the money.

Best GTA Games: Counting Down The Grand Theft Auto Series From Worst To BestSee More

About Eddie Makuch

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