The next fighter for Street Fighter 6 was revealed as the first announcement of Summer Game Fest Live: Guile.
The trailer showed off a few of his moves for the new game, including his iconic Sonic Boom and Flash Kick. A new stage themed around Guile was also unveiled, once again featuring a fighter jet as his stages have since Street Fighter 2.
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Now Playing: Street Fighter 6 Guile Reveal Trailer | Summer Game Fest June 2022
A writeup on Guile on PlayStation Blog dives deep into Guile in Street Fighter 6, including a returning move from Street Fighter V Sonic Blade, as well as all three of his Super Arts. The most powerful one, Crossfire Somersault, was featured at the end of the new trailer.
Street Fighter 6 was more fully unveiled last week during PlayStation’s State of Play event. The fighter introduces new game modes and adjustments to the controls and core fighting mechanics. Much of its roster was seemingly leaked following the event, though Capcom hasn’t confirmed all of those specifics. A release date has yet to be announced, but Street Fighter 6 is coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.